Aviation Nation 2017

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Scramble Die-Hard
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Aviation Nation 2017

Post by Nielis »

Hi all,

I'm planning to visit this airshow this year.

I noticed the prohibited items on the following website:


Does this mean that I can't bring my Lowepro Vertex 200 AW camera bag into the showground? I'm hauling various lenses and camera's so its almost impossible to to do this without the camera bag.

Thanks for the help!
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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Location: Lienden, The Netherlands

Re: Aviation Nation 2017

Post by Nielis »

Bags where no problem at all.

The following mil aircraft where noted:

F-16C 85-1418/WA
F-16C 84-1301/WA
F-35A 15-5119/WA
F-35A 15-5138/WA
A-10 79-0169/WA
A-10 79-0171/OT
F-15C 83-0019/WA
F-15C 82-0022/OT
HH-60 87-26012/FT
HH-60 89-26204/FT
A-10 78-0684/DM
A-10 79-0202/DM
F-22 99-4011/WA
MH-65D 6557
UV-18B 77-0465
UH-72A 12-72265
C-5M 87-0042
AC-130W 90-1058
MH-60L 90-26248
U-2S 80-1073/BB
F-16C 83-1159
F-16C 86-0272
F-16C 90-0747
A-10 78-0709/WA
F-16C 91-0362/WA
F-15E 90-0260/WA
F-15C 76-0057
F-22 06-4116/WA
F-35A 12-5049/WA
HH-60 90-26309/FT
C-21 84-0072
C-17 90-0535
U-28 06-0692
T-6A 04-3723/VN
E-3 77-0351/OK
T-38C 69-7080/VN
F-15E 91-0305/WA
B-1 86-0133/DY
B-52 60-0022/LA
F-35A 14-5089/WA
F-35A 13-5082/WA
F-35A 15-5139/WA
F-35A 15-5137/WA
C-21 84-0139
F-22 04-4068/OT

Anybody able to get me the serials of the below?

F-35A ..-..../LF, parked under the sheds
F-35A ..-..../LF, parked under the sheds
F-16C TBird
F-16C TBird
F-16C TBird
F-16C TBird
F-16C TBird
F-16C TBird
MQ-9B 00-.003/CH

Also various aircraft where visible on the other side of the airfield. Any serials from that side are welcome aswell.

Thanks in advance,
Knd Rgds,

Posts: 23
Joined: 04 Mar 2012, 21:46
Type of spotter: f3
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Re: Aviation Nation 2017

Post by pbrugman »

also noted on static/flightline:

DASH8 770465/N70465
EA-18G 168375/AG-500

F-16D TB under sheds
C-130 - left side of the field


entrance of the show:
9* HH-60
T-38C /VN

the F-16's at the right hand side of the field accros the runways (all from photos taken on the Sunday morning from Cheyenne road):
739 WA
92-3882 WA
470 WA
90-0747 WA - Vegas strong c/s
90-0740 WA
90-0729 WA
90-0728 WA
85-1418 WA
90-0746 WA

I have some serials from the flightlines as well (photos taken on Friday and Saturday Morning):

A-4M N147EM Draken
A-4M N161EM Draken
L-39C N264EM Draken
L-39C Draken
L-39C Draken
L-39C N262EM Draken
L-39C N257EM Draken
L-39C Draken
L-39C N267EM Draken
L-39C Draken
L-39C N159EM Draken
F-16C 91-0418 WA
F-16C 87-0307 WA
F-16C 87-0321 WA
F-16C 86-0299 WA
F-16C 90-0251 WA
F-16C 84-1236 WA
F-16C 84-1244 WA
F-16C 87-0301 WA
F-16C 90-0809 OT
F-16C 88-0447 OT
F-16C 88-0442 OT
F-16C 91-0374 WA
F-16C 90-0740
F-16C 86-0228 WA
F-16C 86-0269 WA
F-16C 86-0271 WA
F-16C 86-0220 WA
F-16C 86-0305 AK
F-16C AK
F-16C 86-0301 AK
F-16C 86-0298 AK
F-16C 86-0263 AK
F-16C 86-0304 AK
F-16C 86-0263 AK
F-16C 86-0320 AK
F-16C 86-0335 AK
F-16C 86-0314 AK
F-16C 86-0282 AK
EA-18G AG-504
EA-18G AG-505
F-16C 88-0486 WA
F-16C 89-0215 HL
F-16C 88-0439 HL
F-16C 88-0533 HL
F-16C 88-0436 HL
F-16C 89-2119 HL
F-16C HL
F-15E 91-0325 OT
F-15E 96-0200 OT
F-15E 91-0322 WA
F-15E 91-0328 WA
F-15E 90-0261 WA
F-15E 90-0258 OT
F-15E 97-0217 OT
F-15C 78-0517
F-15C JZ
F-15C Florida ANG
F-15C 81-0033
F-15C 464
F-15C 83-0040

Departured on the Friday
A-10 80-0224 MI DEP 8:15
A-10 80-0262 MI DEP 8:15
A-10 80-0263 MI DEP 8:15
A-10 80-0265 MI DEP 8:15
A-10 MI DEP 8:15

C-130 Dep 7.45
C-32 (?) Dep 8.30

updates and additions are welcome.

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