Photo of the runway:Het vliegveld ligt zo'n 10 kilometer ten oosten van het stadscentrum, en heeft een enkele baan die parallel loopt met de kust.
http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php? ... &nseq=1196
Several pictures thru
https://www.sabah.com.tr/yasam/2018/01/ ... witter.com
Also pictures at
http://www.airporthaber.com/pegasus-hab ... cikti.html
https://translate.google.com/translate? ... cikti.html
https://www.airlinehaber.com/son-dakika ... ten-cikti/he plane that made the Pegasus Airlines flight to Ankara-Trabzon came out of the piste.
Pegasus Airlines' TC-CPF tail registered aircraft landed at Trabzon Airport after landing in the direction of the sea. A large number of police and firefighters were dispatched to the scene. It was stated that the passengers were evacuated and there were no dead or injured.
At the moment there is a continuation of air cooling. The Boeing B737-800 type aircraft named TC-CPF tail registered "Zeynep" joined the Pegasus fleet in 2012.
https://translate.google.com/translate? ... edit-text=
Pegasus Airlines' Ankara-Trabzon expedition of the passenger aircraft landing after the landing came out of the pit.
Boeing B737-800 type aircraft named "Zeynep" with 21:25 Esenboğa flight, PC8622 of Pegasus Airlines, Boeing 737-800 type TC-CPF queue registered, Trabzon Airport with 162 passengers, 2 pilots and 4 cabin attendants pebble
A large number of police and firefighters were dispatched to the scene. It was stated that the passengers were evacuated and there were no dead or injured.
According to sources reported at the scene , there were no casualties in the accident with 3 minor injuries.