As far as we could see, from West to East, there was a long row of ten (tail on), then a tightly parked row of three (or maybe four, side on) and a row of five (tail on).
So 18 in total.
Row of ten (from West to East / left-to-right):
1121/__K read as 1121, the one that should be preserved on base
____/__P not DAP, that was seen ops the day before
____/__H not DCH or DDH that were seen here also
1235/DDL desert c/s (written down in the logbook as 1325)
Group of three:
Row of five (order not noted)
1172/DCV written down in logbook as JCV
Some were read from a nearby staircase to enable a view over the wall; but most by looking through various small holes in the wall.
The Western part was do-able, but provided limited views. Further East there is a ditch leaving only a small ledge on the wall-side to stand on. Also, light was fading already and some had covers over the nose. Lastly, they only carry their serials on the port side.
So most codes are the last digit carried under the aft fuselage. At least two more were in desert colours, including one of the group of three. But we were fighting against the light and with cars passing regularly we did not want to linger too long. So best for a Sunday morning scavenge I think

Obviously, all help in identifying them would be very welcome indeed!
best regards,
Michiel, Wim & Erwin