Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

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Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by EvD »

Last Friday (May 12th), we noted a large number of SA330 Pumas in outside storage at Montauban in the SW corner of the base, probably awaiting maintenance. 44.029689°, 1.375301°.

As far as we could see, from West to East, there was a long row of ten (tail on), then a tightly parked row of three (or maybe four, side on) and a row of five (tail on).
So 18 in total.

Row of ten (from West to East / left-to-right):
1121/__K read as 1121, the one that should be preserved on base
____/__P not DAP, that was seen ops the day before
____/__H not DCH or DDH that were seen here also
1235/DDL desert c/s (written down in the logbook as 1325)

Group of three:

Row of five (order not noted)
1172/DCV written down in logbook as JCV

Some were read from a nearby staircase to enable a view over the wall; but most by looking through various small holes in the wall.
The Western part was do-able, but provided limited views. Further East there is a ditch leaving only a small ledge on the wall-side to stand on. Also, light was fading already and some had covers over the nose. Lastly, they only carry their serials on the port side.

So most codes are the last digit carried under the aft fuselage. At least two more were in desert colours, including one of the group of three. But we were fighting against the light and with cars passing regularly we did not want to linger too long. So best for a Sunday morning scavenge I think ;-))

Obviously, all help in identifying them would be very welcome indeed!

best regards,
Michiel, Wim & Erwin
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by MartinK »

Just been doing a bit of homework for the next trip. Looked on which has a March 2019 image for Montauban, it shows a total of 23 helos in rows of, 11, 3 and 9.
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by Jbennett »

Additions to your list noted on 18th May were :-

???? : DCL
1411 : DDU

Hope this helps

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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by AndyMarden »

Bear in mind that Erwin's list is 2 years old.
Could you provide a complete list of what you logged please?
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by leonard van T »

Jbennett wrote:Additions to your list noted on 18th May were :-

???? : DCL
1411 : DDU

Hope this helps

I can confirm 1411/DDU
we also read 1206 and 1232 but not 100% sure about the last one.
we counted 19 Puma`s in total, at least 4 in desert camo.

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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by Custard Gannet »

We’re you using your Scramble Pipe !!?

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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by leonard van T »

Custard Gannet wrote:Leonard
We’re you using your Scramble Pipe !!?

yes !
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by Jbennett »


As requested

From the top of the steps of the Tower (?), right to left

9 x green Puma tail-on
1 Puma Sand camo
3 x Puma side-on

5 x Puma tail-on

when we went to the wall and looked thru the cracks we identified 'DCT', 'DCL', 1206, 1235/DDL (sand camo) and 1411/DDU

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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by MartinK »


some of you may have noticed on the Eurodemobbed website that our friend Phil Adkin had a visit round Montauban in March 2020. He has posted his photos. Do not get too excited as you will not be able to conjure and serials for all the ones that were seen last May. As Phil has confirmed there has been too much moving around, and probably some may have left and other arrived. However for completeness I will record what has been noted.

Starting with a couple of small corrections to JBennett's post of 20/5/19
From the top of the steps of the Tower (?), right to left should be left to right as seen from the tower, ie outside
9 x green Puma tail-on & 1 Puma Sand camo
3 x Puma side-on only 2 were side on, both desert camo
5 x Puma tail-on should be 6 tail on of which the penultimate one was desert camo

The situation in March 2020 based on Phil's photos,

9 tail on, in order left to right
1235 DDL, ex ALAT, sand camo c/s
1206 DDE, ex ALAT
1052 DCB, ex ALAT
1135 DCL, ex ALAT
1411 DDU, ex ALAT
1244 DDO, ex ALAT
1163 DCR, ex ALAT
1260 DDS, ex ALAT
1189 DAT, ex ALAT
then 2 side on, but parked one behind the other
1155 DCQ, ex ALAT
1248 DBC, ex ALAT
finally 6 tail on in the right hand group, again in order
1239 DDN, ex ALAT
1277 DBE, ex ALAT
1190 DDA, 11, ex ALAT
1172 DCV, 44, ex ALAT
1196 DDC, ex ALAT
1213 DDF, 45, ex ALAT

The only other one that Phil saw was in a hangar
1222 DDG, ex ALAT, sand camo c/s, hangar

So that unfortunately is frustrating. The fact that there were 4 outside in desert camo last May but only one this March shows how much movement has gone on.

rgds Martin
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by Wrecks »

MartinK wrote:So that unfortunately is frustrating. The fact that there were 4 outside in desert camo last May but only one this March shows how much movement has gone on.
Correct, they move around. So sadly you cannot "claim" the aircraft as seen in May 2019, simply based on a list from March 2020.
Last edited by Wrecks on 29 Apr 2020, 11:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by cole372 »

For what it is worth, my log for 19-5-19.

We noted two rows, a row of ten, see pic below. Plus a row of nine.
At the time we had attracted a bit of attention and didn't hang around too long.
Row of ten;
(1235)/DDL (Sand) Credit John Bennett
(1206)/DDE Credit John Bennett
(1135)/DCL Credit John Bennett
(1411)/DDU code read
(1163)/DCR colour scheme match from Phil Adkin picture
(1189)/DAT colour scheme match from Phil Adkin picture
Row of nine;
(1165)/DCT (Sand) Credit John Bennett

Didn't get a chance to investigate other row at the time.

Hope this is of some use!
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by tyro1 »

Just to confirm I read off 1411/DDU code and serial
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by MartinK »


I had been doing further digging into this topic and now thanks to cole372 input I think we can make a step forward. I will start with an overview of what was there in May 2019. I will list everything from left to right as seen from outside.
From left to right as seen from outside there are 3 distinct groups
1 sand & 9 green all tail-on to the wall (Group 1)
3 side by side and parallel to the wall, 2 were sand and the 3rd not determined (Group 2)
6 tail on of which the penultimate one was sand

I will now attempt to list what has been noted in columns covering the 2 dates
Group 1 May 2019 March 2020
(1235)/DDL (Sand) 1235/DDL (Sand)
(1206)/DDE 1206/DDE
Unknown #1 1052/DCB
(1135)/DCL 1135/DCL
(1411)/DDU 1411/DDU
Unknown #2 1244/DDO
(1163)/DCR 1163/DCR colour scheme match from Phil Adkin picture
Unknown #3 1266/DDS
(1189)/DAT 1189/DAT colour scheme match from Phil Adkin picture
As there were 10 in the row in May but only 9 in March 2020 then a blank line needs inserting somewhere in the list above for ‘Unknown #4’

Group 2 – not much is known about this group in May 2019, but it had totally changed by March 2020 from 3 side by side to 2 one behind the other, 1155/DCQ and 1248/DBS, both in standard camo

Group 3 – this is a bit more complicated as some have left and some been added. The amount of conjuring may be a bit too much for some peoples’ taste!
May 2019 March 2020 Justification
(1239/DDN) 1239/DDN colour scheme, angle of main rotor mounts, dayglo tag on tail rotor mount
Unknown #5 empty
(1277/DBE) 1277/DBE tail rotor fitted, main rotor head completely covered
(1190/DDA) 1190/DDA angle of main rotor mounts, brown cover on tail rotor mount
Unknown #6 sand empty
(1172/DCV) 1172/DCV tail rotor fitted, in correct location relative to 1190/DDA
empty 1196/DDC
empty 1213/DDF

Questions - Are we sure that 1165/DCT was sand and where was it in May 2019

Colin – I guess you have done all the colour scheme matching that is possible for Group 1. How did you do the colour scheme matching for DCR and DAT, they should have been at the far right of the photo you posted and hence hardly visible?
Naturally all comments are welcome

PS - apologies for the formatting not appear better as columns, it looks all right on my PC until i hit submit.
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by tyro1 »

It is probably sheer coincidence but 5 Pumas have left for the US and desert DDG was inside during Phil's visit. This surprisingly coincides with the unknowns=6!

Martin do you know the arrangement order for May 19 or have you just arranged what was seen in the corresponding positions to March20?
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Re: Montauban - 18 stored SA330s - LOG & REQ

Post by MartinK »

I basically used 'cole372' log and assumed it was in the right order but with some missing in it, and then aligned it with the March 2020 positions.
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