A-7 Retirement: Hellenic Air Force Corsair Farewell at Araxos Airbase

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A-7 Retirement: Hellenic Air Force Corsair Farewell at Araxos Airbase

Post by ruge75 »

Ling Temco Vought LTV A-7 Corsair II of Hellenic Air Force farewell media day at Araxos airbase 16th October 2014. The Ling Temco Vought LTV A-7 Corsair II is a carrier capable subsonic light attack aircraft. Greece's Hellenic Air Force (HAF) ordered sixty new A-7H aircraft and five TA-7Hs in 1974. The delivery of the airplanes started in 1975 and equipped the 347, 340, 345 Squadrons. In 1993 Hellenic Air Force received an additional sixty-two A-7Es and nineteen TA-7C surplus USN (United States Navy) airplanes who were given to the 335 and 336 Squadrons. The last A-7Es were retired in October 2014 from the 336th Bomber Squadron. This video is related to the retirement ceremony.
A-7E is the naval carrier-capable equivalent of the A-7D, 529 built
A-7H are modified A-7E for Greece without air-refueling capability, 60 built.
TA-7H are the two-seat trainer version for Greece.

Original videos by Alberto Celsan and Marco Bazzan.

0:00 Athens landscape
0:12 Gray Corsair being towed out of the hangar
0:43 Phantom take off
0:55 Special color "The Last Pirate" black Corsair engine start
1:09 Frontal view with marshaller dressed as a Corsair in special colour "The Last Pirate"
1:24 Black special color "The Last Pirate" with Corsair face taxiing
1:52 TA-7H Two seat trainer version for Greece pre flight with pilots inside
2:04 TA-7H starts taxiing from parking
2:26 Close up of a TA-7H taxiing
2:38 Close up of a TA-7H starts taxiing from parking from two different points of view PIP
3:07 TA-7H Corsair take off
3:25 TA-7H Corsair take off
3:35 TA-7H Corsair take off
3:46 Formation of 3 TA-7H Corsair in flight does a low pass
4:00 3 TA-7H formation break
4:27 TA-7H landing
4:42 Close up frontal view of TA-7H taxiing
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Re: A-7 Retirement: Hellenic Air Force Corsair Farewell at Araxos Airbase

Post by seahawk12 »

Nice!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
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Re: A-7 Retirement: Hellenic Air Force Corsair Farewell at Araxos Airbase

Post by Wildpicture »

Beautiful these birds. Memories....
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