EHAM 16-01-2011

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Re: EHAM 16-01-2011

Post by superspotter »

Hi Guys;
Thought I would let you know that I am here in AMS to despatch the World MD-11 flight tonight. Going out as EY919 back to AUH and its now due at 21:50Z but it is now in the air so it wont fall any further behind!
I have a request though, could somebody please tell me the other Bizjets that have not been mentioned here today? Namely the MU-2 and the two Falcon 900's ? I think they were bot US registered? kind regards clive (superspotter).
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Re: EHAM 16-01-2011

Post by Frank Mink »

superspotter wrote:Hi Guys;
I have a request though, could somebody please tell me the other Bizjets that have not been mentioned here today? Namely the MU-2 and the two Falcon 900's ? I think they were bot US registered? kind regards clive (superspotter).
Your Mu-2 is most likely the OK-SLD L410
At least the N200UP was present as one of your Falcons.
Both noted around 15:00

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Re: EHAM 16-01-2011

Post by Key »

Frank Mink wrote:Your Mu-2 is most likely the OK-SLD L410
At least the N200UP was present as one of your Falcons.
I was thinking the same about the Mu-2-ish craft. And 200UP is a Falcon 50 of course, but again: a visual match!

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Re: EHAM 16-01-2011

Post by superspotter »

I dont believe I said an MU-2!! DOH!. I did of course know it was a LET410........
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Re: EHAM 16-01-2011

Post by Burry »

When I was at East an SR22 was landing around 17:05, but didn't have bins with me, so could someone help me with the reg?
Also the MPH Cargo 744F at Romeo(??) and an unknown prop between the bizzjets(not the G-CYLS) would be very helpfull.
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