En iets meer detail:SkyPlane wrote:G & H pier gaan ook in onderhoud van augustus t/m 1 december
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Large-scale renovation works to Bay GH, including maintenance of the rainwater discharge facility, will commence at the end of August. The works will continue until the end of week 48. During this period, Piers G and H will operate at reduced capacity. Aircraft normally parked at Pier G will be transferred to Pier E as much as possible. During the works, the buffer will be used to accommodate daily additional aircraft handling activities.
Between 26 August and 1 December, the aircraft stands on the odd-numbered side of Pier G, Buffer G and all of Pier H will be alternately taken out of service in order to carry out work. During the day, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol will try to keep as many aircraft stands available as possible for handling. The entire bay will be closed at night to replace the asphalt and the drainage channels. At the same time, works will be carried out on Taxiway A19 and the centre line will be fitted with LED lighting.
Overall, the daily schedule looks as follows:
06:00 – 16:00 Two to four aircraft stands simultaneously out of service on odd-numbered side of Pier G and Buffer G
16:00 – 22:00 Odd-numbered side of Pier G and Buffer G entirely out of service. Pier H remains accessible via Taxiway A19
22:00 – 06:00 Bay GH entirely closed (odd-numbered side of Pier G, Buffer G and Pier H)
Decisions regarding aircraft to be handled at the buffer will be made in accordance with the Aircraft Stand Allocation Schiphol Regulation (RASAS). When transferring to a buffer, arriving aircraft will receive priority over departing aircraft. Bus capacity will be increased for the duration of the works.