Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Redskin »

gozoman wrote: Another thing that I wanted to mention: I hope that photographers can be more tolerant towards each other.
I agree, on friday a group of photographers thought they had special rights on the base. Everytime someone dared to stand in front of their lens to take a picture or just to take a close look at one of the phantoms they began to yell and scream. Just learn to be patient and wait.
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by alpha kilo 61 »

The A-4 Didn't have serous problems, they show this, it was announcend as a special touch down event greetz, Johan
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by evhest »

You obviously weren't listening to a scanner....
Answers will be questioned.....
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Lifeliner 3 »

I overheard a conversation at a gas sation near the base on Saturday. The Skyhawk pilot told a few Polish spotters, that indeed he had an indication that the nosegear wasn't down.
That last pass and the following landing weren't planned...
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Maudit »

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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Leeuwarden »

Little bit of a crop:

2013-06-29-N432FS Skyhawk Wittmund Barrier by jvdwal2008, on Flickr
Don't steal my pictures...
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by EHAM »

Redskin wrote:
gozoman wrote: Another thing that I wanted to mention: I hope that photographers can be more tolerant towards each other.
I agree, on friday a group of photographers thought they had special rights on the base. Everytime someone dared to stand in front of their lens to take a picture or just to take a close look at one of the phantoms they began to yell and scream. Just learn to be patient and wait.
IMHO it's exactly the opposite: people who want to take a close look or take wide-angle pics think they're the only one on the base and are ruining the photo for everybody else. If you want to have a close look, then go to the open day and have a close look together with all the "dagjesmensen".
And trust me, if there were some minutes of sunshine, there would be a lot more screaming and yelling :lol: .
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by ROKAF »

Leeuwarden wrote:Little bit of a crop:

2013-06-29-N432FS Skyhawk Wittmund Barrier by jvdwal2008, on Flickr
Catch of the day, jan :shock: :mrgreen:
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Pony02 »

After not posting any pics here for a while let me show you the next from Wittmund:







Pharewell Phantom! :cry:

Hope you'll like 'em!

Regards, Edwin
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by r.e.hendriks »

Hi all,

I wonder why most photographers stayed on base facing the sun. Only about 50 photographers took the opportunity to take shots from outside the fence.

We entered the base at 7 o'clock in the morning and left four hours later. Only ten minutes later we arrived at the good spot along the fence. After the nice flying action we drove towards Park 3 again and only ten minutes later, we were on base again to take some more sunny shots.

Here some of my shots....










Best regards Rob
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by r.e.hendriks »

Huh? Why are my pictures suddenly smaler?
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by phantomphreak »

I wonder why most photographers stayed on base facing the sun.
Well, also because I like head-on taxi shots with lots of heatwaves, like these:

Phantom Pharewell, Wittmund, June 29th 2013 by Gerben Wessels, on Flickr

Phantom Pharewell, Wittmund, June 29th 2013 by Gerben Wessels, on Flickr

Phantom Pharewell, Wittmund, June 29th 2013 by Gerben Wessels, on Flickr

(And although it's no contest, also for me Robin's shot of 38+10 stands out :)

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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by j@@p »

Really like those flying shots!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Here some static shots, apart from the fences it was nice to see some different jets on the ground.










Check this out under the wings ...

Very special paint, I hope they keep this one flying ... :worship:

Bye Bye Phantom ...
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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by phantomphreak »

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Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013

Post by Redskin »

EHAM wrote: IMHO it's exactly the opposite: people who want to take a close look or take wide-angle pics think they're the only one on the base and are ruining the photo for everybody else. If you want to have a close look, then go to the open day and have a close look together with all the "dagjesmensen".
And trust me, if there were some minutes of sunshine, there would be a lot more screaming and yelling :lol: .
And that's exactly what I mean. Everybody wants to take the pictures on their own way, respect that and just wait a second or two (or a bit longer sometimes :lol: ) if someone wants to take a wide angle picture iso starting to scream and yell names. I too did have people standing in front of my lens sometime, just waited a few seconds and than they were gone.

But no you think that everyone who just wants to make wide angle pics or just cannot afford a telezoom lens sould stay away from spottersdays.
Remember their were 3000 spotters last friday at wittmund, all wanting to make their perfect final german phantom shoot without gates.
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