Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Rubberneck »

Rubberneck wrote:
Rubberneck wrote: first flight due out as follows

15004 CC150 HUSKY4 with 4 CF188 (188756, 769, 734, 759) HUSKY41-44 etd 1100 to LICT (Trapani, Italy)
now going with 6 CF188s.

I'm guessing the other 2 are 188752 and 739 as 188760 arrived with an emergency. Time will tell.....
5 CF188 dep with CC150 15004

188759 188734 188769 188756 188739

remaining CC150 15005 just departing now as CFC3816 with the remaining CF188s in tow
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Rubberneck »

177703 C17 CFC3819 etd 20/3 @ 0430
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Rubberneck »

DUE 20/3

130603 C130 CFC4228 should have arrived around 1015 - eastbound

177703 C17 CFC3819 due back in eta 1350 - westbound
130605 c130 cfc4229 eta 2300 - eastbound

also 92-3327 C12 PAT327 eta 1345 - eastbound
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

The CAF stuff from Friday evening all dept Sat, other visitors:-
177703 CC177 429 Sqd. ‘CFC3819’ (eastbound, til 20/3)
00321 C130H 158AS/GA ANG ‘RCH418’ (westbound, fuel stop)
00326 C130H 158AS/GA ANG ‘RCH375’ (westbound, fuel stop)
51361 C130H 181AS/TX ANG ‘RCH605’ (eastbound, til 20/3)
51363 C130H 181AS/TX ANG ‘RCH118’ (eastbound, still here)

130603 CC130J-30 436 Sqd. ‘CFC4228’ (eastbound, night-stop)
130605 CC130J-30 436 Sqd. ‘CFC4229’ (eastbound, night-stop)
177703 CC177 429 Sqd. ‘CFC3819’ (westbound, night-stop)
23327 C12R (MOD) ‘PAT327’ (eastbound, night stop)
------ 2 x Chinooks Odiham Wg. ‘Lifter' (2 visits)
XZ616 Lynx AH7 657 Sqd. ‘Maximus 1’
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Hilco »

As I will be in the neighbourhood of Glasgow tomorrow, is there anything expected at Prestwick or Glasgow area?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

130603 CC130J-30 436 Sqd. ‘CFC4228’ (westbound, night-stopping)
00322 C130H 158AS/GA ANG ‘RCH466’ (westbound, fuel stop)
00325 C130H 158AS/GA ANG ‘RCH255’ (westbound, fuel stop)
51365 C130H 181AS/TX ANG ‘RCH611’ (eastbound
XZ616 Lynx AH7 657 Sqd. ‘Maximus 1’ (2 x visits)
XZ608 Lynx AH7 657 Sqd. ‘Maximus 2’

Last nights Chinooks identified as ZA681 & ZH776
177703 dept West during the day, 130603 & 605, headed East, 603 back in, for a night stop-before heading home.
The Texas Herc which departed was in fact 51363, 51361, is still here.
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

Oops-forgot, C12 23327 is staying for a second night
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Hilco »

during a quick visit around 4pm (unfortunately without any binos) I saw 2x CAF C-130J-30 parked at the platform where those two 130603 and 130605? Also saw a white gulfstream? parked next to them, not sure if it was a miltary or civil one though.

any clues on the registrations are much appreciated.

Kind regards, Hilco.
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

130605 returned as 'CFC4229'
130606 'CFC4235' & 130608 'CFC4238' fuel stopped Eastbound, in the morning, & arrived back this evening, same c/signs.
However, 130603 & 605, from earlier in the week are still here also, so, we have FOUR n/stopping tonight!

Also today, for a quick fuel stop, Westbound, 'RCH189', Nevada Herc., 90473
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by USAFE »

Caf c130j 130606 now inb. Dep edfh 1700l.

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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

Been away for a few days, so catch up time:-
177704 CC177 429 Sqd. ‘CFC3824’
70117 KC10A 60/349AMW ‘RCH824/7117’ (westbound, til 25/3)
XZ736/451 Lynx HMA.8SRU 815 Sqd. ‘Navy 451’
15002 CC150 437 Sqd. ‘CFC4147’ (westbound, fuel stop)
R1/61-MA Transall ET00.0061 ‘CTM2060’ (2 x visits)
90476 C130H 192AS/NV ANG ‘RCH213’ (w/b fuel stop, but retn’d, dept. 27/3)
90480 C130H 192AS/NV ANG ‘RCH383’ (westbound, fuel stop)
ZA681 Chinook HC2 Odiham Wg. ‘Lifter1’

XZ608 Lynx AH7 857 Sqd. ‘Maximus 1’
XZ726/451 Lynx HMA.8SRU 815 Sqd. ‘Navy 451’
177703 CC177 429 Sqd. ‘CFC4033’ (2 x visits, fuel stops East &West)
130601 CC130J-30 436 Sqd. ‘CFC3825/4228’ (til 29/3)
ZH871 Hercules C4 LTW ‘Ascot 5514’
130606 CC130J-30 436 Sqd. ‘CFC4235’ (westbound, til 29/3)
ZH858/38 Merlin HM1 829 Sqd. ‘Navy 503’ (still here)
60+06 P3C MFG-3 ‘GNY5421’ (overshoot, 12.15)
+ 130605, here from 20/3, dept. home as 'CFC4228'
ZA372/006/E Tornado GR4A Lossie Wg. (2 Sqd. n/b) ‘Lossie 71’ (overshoot, 12.39)
ZA591/058 Tornado GR4 Lossie Wg. ‘Lossie 66’ (overshoot, 16.55)
+ 130603, HERE FROM 21/3, DEPT. HOME AS 'CFC4229'
30075 KC10A 60/349AMW ‘RCH260’ (eastbound,
ZH880 Hercules C5 LTW ‘Ascot 5529’
ZK312/EM Typhoon FGR4 6 Sqd. ‘Leuchars 62’ (overshoot,
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Le Addeur noir »

02nd April visitors,

ZD636 (1)82 Sea King ASaC.7 857 Sqn
ZE418 (1)86 Sea King ASaC.7 849 Sqn

Re-fuel,continuing north.
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Le Addeur noir »

04th April visitor,

ZG847 Islander AL.1 651 Sqn AAC582 training
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by Arjan »

For those at Prestwick on friday the 8th.......
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Re: Prestwick (EGPK/PIK) - 2011 MIL

Post by 119MOHAWK »

APRIL so far:-
ZD636/CU-182 Sea King ASaC.7 857 Sqd. ‘ Aztec-/Aztec 82’
ZE418/-- - 186 Sea King ASaC.7 849 Sqd. –Section’/Aztec 86’
ZH858/38 Merlin HM1 829 Sqd. ‘Navy 503’ (dept., locals since 28/3)
ZG847 Islander AL1 651 Sqd. ‘AAC582’ (3 x o/shoots, 18.48-19.43)
ZG847 Islander AL1 651 Sqd. ‘AAC082’ (overshoot, 11.35)
ZH005 Defender AL2 651 Sqd. ‘AAC505’ (overshoot, 13.20)
ZK458/D Beech 200GT 45(R) Sqd. ‘Cranwell 68’
XZ723/MR444 Lynx HMA.8SRU 815 Sqd. ‘Vixen’ (2 x visits)
ZH005 Defender AL2 651 Sqd. ‘AAC587’ (2 x visits)
ZH863 Merlin HM1 829 Sqd. ‘Navy 501’
50029 KC10A 60/349AMW ‘RCH205’ (westbound, til 8/4)
XZ736/DA451 Lynx HMA.8SRU 815 Sqd. ‘Navy 451’ (2 x visits)
166695 C40A (VR-58)num ‘Convoy 4754’ (night stop)l
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