New military training area in The Netherlands and low flying

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New military training area in The Netherlands and low flying

Post by Arka »

Dear spotters,

I'm not an expert. Hopefully someone knows a few more details about the following:

1) They're creating a new military training area (CBA Land) in the north east of The Netherlands and Germany. The training area in the south, Brabant, will be closed to make space for civil aviation. As far as I know CBA Land will be located between Eelde (Groningen) airport and the (former) airport Twente near Hengelo, and it won't be located further south over the Achterhoek region (Lochem, Ruurlo, Winterswijk etc.). Does anyone know if that's accurate?

2) There are two low flying routes for jets in The Netherlands: route 10 and 10A. Route 10A has been suspended since 2002 but has not been officially closed. Route 10 starts a bit west of Haaksbergen then goes to Almelo, Hardenberg and Emmen and is still being used. Does anyone know whether there are flight schedules for this route? Which dates and times can we expects jets to use it? All I could find was training weeks for the Leeuwarden and Volkel base, but I don't think that's related to this route.

Many thanks!
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Arka »

Thanks for sharing that! It does not go into much detail about where exactly CBA Land will be located though. The closest I could find so far is a map from an old document; when they still assumed airport Twente would be operational again. I can't attach it here: jpg, zip and pdf is all refused.

Low flying route flight schedules do not seem to exist. At least not publicly.
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by frank kramer » ... ersleiding (in Dutch, explains what the plans are). The plans have been postponed recently to beyond 2017-18 so that integration of civil and military air traffic control in the Netherlands can take place first; Nieuw Milligen ATC is to relocate to Schiphol Oost (and the CRC to Volkel).

And before people start asking about the future of the GLV-V near Eindhoven, no, this has nothing to do with it. It relates to TRA12 and the higher part of Dutch airspace..
Frank Kramer

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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Arka »

Thanks a lot Frank! That article shows a rough map of CBA Land. I found a more detailed one on page 34 of this document: ... 002476.pdf

Whether it's accurate I don't know.
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by roberto »

CBA Land is eigenlijk TMA-C die al veel langer bestaat + een stuk in Duitsland
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Arka »

Thanks Roberto, very useful! Dank je wel!
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Argus 01 »

I spoke several times with a guy who worked at the departement of I&M and he told me that the Dutch parts of CBA Land will be the TMA C and above the eastern part of the Eelde TMA (above FL80). When you draw a line from Smilde towards Delfzijl you have the western border of the CBA Land above the Eelde TMA. The CBA Land will start at FL80 and can be "hired" in various parts, controlled by Dutch or German CRC's. Together with the current German TRA's 201/202/302, CBA Land will be a huge training area without any borders. Only short time corridors will be created for airliners.
I read somewhere that the Link Route 10 is not active at Friday's but I can't find the document at this moment.
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Arka »

Hi Edwin,

Thank you, that confirms what I expected. Would you by any chance now which route the jets would take to get from Volkel airbase to CBA Land? Or would that be random and different each time they need to get over there?

Regarding Linkroute 10: indeed it's closed on Fridays (exceptions possible), according to this page: ... ieghoogten. But I haven't been able to find a schedule. Linkroute 10A is still closed and I would expect it to remain closed considering the huge training area they get, but I have no idea.
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Ranger »

Guess routing will be either below FL065 direct or by window activation at higher FL as nowadays being used to and from Volkel to the workingareas over the North Sea north of Leeuwarden.

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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by AlphaMike582 »

Arka wrote: Does anyone know whether there are flight schedules for this route? Which dates and times can we expects jets to use it? All I could find was training weeks for the Leeuwarden and Volkel base, but I don't think that's related to this route.
Many thanks!
since i work directly underneath this route in Almelo i can say that there is daily usage of this route, both Fast Jets and Slow Movers(i've seen F-16s, A-10s,Tornados, Fokker 60s, C-130s and a single KDC-10 flying in the opposite direction).

The timing of these overflights is irregular(in dutch: je kunt er geen touw aan vastknopen).
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Re: New military training area in The Netherlands and low fl

Post by Arka »

That's interesting AlphaMike582, thanks. I happened to be in the area on a Monday recently, although about 1.5 km outside the route, and did not hear or see anything. Perhaps the 1.5 km was too far away to notice, or no action that afternoon. Anyway, good to know it's being used frequently.

You'll probably one of the first to see (and hear) the F-35 once it's here.
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