Short Belfast golden oldie

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Short Belfast golden oldie

Post by GerritsFinest »

Just ready the nice article on msg board: about the Belfast in Cairns... interesting golden oldie and not much seen on NL military bases. I only got one, taken at RAF Germany July 5 1970 and wearing its name SAMSON and also RAF Air Support Command on the nose, just 47 years ago...

Anyone with more shots on the Belfast??
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Last edited by GerritsFinest on 12 Dec 2017, 12:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Rene Klok
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Re: Short Belfast golden oldie

Post by Rene Klok »

Not as old as yours Gerrit and certainly no military anymore.

Heavylift's G-BFYU taking off from the Kaagbaan at Schiphol airport in October 1990
Groeten, Regards,

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Re: Short Belfast golden oldie

Post by Heron »

They only built 10 of them, so the chances of seeing one were slim outside the UK.
I never saw a military one, but like the above post shows... they were regulars at Schiphol.

So here's a slidescan of a shot I took on the 19th of october 1997:
ImageG-BEPS_19oct97EHAM1 by Bert Visser, on Flickr
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