After a 24 hour delay because of weather the last three F16's left Volkel: 242 exJ870, 246 exJ193, 249 exJ057.
After being released bij rapcon south they were handed over to Amsterdam (!) 231.7mc . This because Dutch Mil left it's almost brand new bunker at Nieuw-Milligen and went to Amsterdam end of last week. In fact there it al started exactly 70 years ago...
Toooo bad it had to go this way and not wise is my opinion. But politics rule ....
The Jordanians were taxiing via de paralel rwy this time, which was not appriciated by the spotters at the fence I presume! The J005 all clean, went out for a FCF catching the first sunbeam since long ago...
Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
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- GerritsFinest
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Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
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Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
great insider shots Gerrit. The first two are my favs.
- wweasel
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Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
was geen leuke verrassing van de Jordanen om via de 24L/06R te taxieen.....
- ebauer
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Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
+1bvdboomen wrote:great insider shots Gerrit. The first two are my favs.
Nice job, Gerrit!
RAMONES 1974 - 1996
Talking Heads 1974 - 1991
Talking Heads 1974 - 1991
Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
Helemaal niet mee eens: ik vond het juist een érg leuke verrassing! (Want wij stonden aan de zuidzijde vanwege een kleine kans op zon en dus kwamen ze prachtig langs ons taxiën... )wweasel wrote:was geen leuke verrassing van de Jordanen om via de 24L/06R te taxieen.....
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Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
Nice pictures Gerrit. Yes, end of an era. Sadly the phraseology "Dutch Mil" will never be heard again. Only memories will stay.
Nevertheless Happy Xmas.
Nevertheless Happy Xmas.
Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
Foto's ervan zijn meer dan welkom hoorBunzing wrote:Helemaal niet mee eens: ik vond het juist een érg leuke verrassing! (Want wij stonden aan de zuidzijde vanwege een kleine kans op zon en dus kwamen ze prachtig langs ons taxiën... )wweasel wrote:was geen leuke verrassing van de Jordanen om via de 24L/06R te taxieen.....
- Mark B.
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Re: Volkel 14 dec 2017 Photos last RJAF F16 departure
3 from the "other side" with the Jordanian Falcons taxiing via the 24L/06R. It was a long time ago that I visited the south side and very happy when they showed up on the parallel runway. I did feel for the people on the other side, could almost see their dissapointment. F-16AM 249, former J-057 is still on the hard drive waiting for some spare time to process.
F-16AM J-005 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr
F-16AM 242 former J-870 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr
F-16AM 246 former J-193 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr
F-16AM J-005 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr
F-16AM 242 former J-870 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr
F-16AM 246 former J-193 by Mark Broekhans, on Flickr