Today and tomorrow (September 1) the ballon Fiesta is active in Meerstad (groningen). On 31 August 29 ballons are going airborne. See the list:
Reg'd type c/n Remarks
G-CDXW Cameron Orange-120 2947 Orange (special)
OO-BHW Cameron Z-210 10311 Priscilla (special)
OO-BIE Cameron A-180 2869 Calimero (special)
PH-APP Ultramagic M-160
PH-BAB Ultra Magic M-130 130/33 Barbette (special)
PH-BJB Lindstrand LBL 120A 804 Leeuwarder courant
PH-BUS Lindstrand LTL Series 1 - 210 31 Olijslager/Scriever
PH-BUZ Lindstrand LTL Series 1 - 160 70 Bats uitzendburo
PH-DLY Cameron N-120 4603 Nolan, Norton & Co
PH-EGG Cameron Egg-120 11098 Kuiken (special)
PH-ESG Lindstrand LBL 210A 963 Services for ICT
PH-GRF Lindstrand LBL 105A 639 Lindstrand
PH-HDB Cameron N-105 4610
PH-MAD Cameron Z-77 11166 (special)
PH-MMD Schroeder Fire Balloons G 45/24 1200 Quick uitzendburo
PH-MMO Cameron Z-160 10863
PH-ODR Ultramagic N-250 250/72 Oosterhof Holman
PH-PGO Lindstrand LBL 260A 1309 Oostappen groep
PH-RKG Cameron A-180 4997
PH-RKY Ultramagic M-90 Rocky (Head of dog, special)
PH-SIB Cameron N-105 2939 Simon Benus
PH-SOR Cameron A-300 11651 Sortimo
PH-UII Cameron Onion-105 10265 (special)
PH-WGD Cameron Z-140 11810 Westfalen Gassen Nederland BV
PH-PND Lindstrand LBL 180A 1176 Wereld Natuur Fonds
PH-ZSL SkyBalloon 25-16 138 I Love ex G-BZSL
PH-UVO Cameron Spaceship-110 4041 UVO (special)
PH-GJV Lindstrand LBL Motorbike 1300 Super bike (special) ex G-CGJV
Today 29 ships got air borne. Tomorrow expected between 30 and 35 (maximum allowed in the Netherlands).
Meerstad (Groningen) Ballon Fiesta 31 August 2018
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