Scramble on social media

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Stephan dBr
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Scramble on social media

Post by Stephan dBr »

Scramble on social media

Welcome in 2019!

This year Scramble magazine monthly celebrates its fortieth anniversary! Since 1979, Scramble is a news source for world-wide civil and military aviation developments, illustrated with photo's and detailed aircraft information. The magazine is published monthly, in hardcopy as well as digital. Please find all details at

Scramble Facebook News (SFN) was given a true boost in January 2018, as the Scramble editorial team thought this is the new way (supported by our Scramble at Twitter and Scramble at Instagram) to provide you as quickly as possible with the latest news. During 2018, we managed to publish almost 3,800 aviation news items and we reached a stunning 46,200+ followers, with a daily reach of over 100,000 readers! We were quoted many times by large world-wide press-offices and news agencies like ABC news, CNN, RT news and our scoops were used to create their news. Many huge aviation news sites and blogs in the world found SFN too and they liked, used and shared our news (scoops) as well. SFN managed to reach with one single news report over 1,000,000 engagements! We could hardly believe this ourselves...!

2018 showed us that you liked our way of providing you with aviation news. Many times it was not possible to make that news without your help! So a big thumbs-up for you and we hope that you continue to support us through 2019. Please send us your aviation findings and pictures by PM or email at, so we can continue to provide you with up-to-date world-wide civil and military aviation news illustrated with fine pictures.

Find us also at Scramble Twitter (@scramble_nl) and Scramble Instagram (scramble_nl) and of course at our extensive website!
stefan uit 8terberg
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Re: Scramble on social meda

Post by stefan uit 8terberg »

Happy new year to the team .

gr. Stefan
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Re: Scramble on social media

Post by SquAdmin »

Scramble is doing great on social media nowadays, keep up the good work guys!

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