07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show......

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07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show......

Post by Stratofreighter »


Flying Participants:


This event at Melun Villaroche, 34 km southeast of Paris, is beginning to rival La Ferte Alais Cerny.

Some reviews of the first, 2018 edition:
http://warbirdsnews.com/airshow-news/pa ... eport.html
All-in-all it was a marvelous display weekend.
It is clear that the show organizers intend for the Paris-Villaroche Air Legend to become an annual event
that will be talked about in the same breath
as shows at Chino, Duxford and La Ferte-Alais.

From ample evidence at this first event,
there is no reason to doubt that this show will indeed develop
into one of the major shows in Europe,
if not the World.
http://www.airshows.co.uk/reports/overs ... ir-legend/
The show had an extremely strong opening edition,
with unique and rarely seen machines from France and abroad,
which certainly promises to set the event on the warbird calendar going forward.

JM Airshow have built themselves a very strong base with their first outing,
and we're all excited to see what they can do next year -
if this year's quality can be repeated,
this particular show could well earn a place
as a "must-go" event on the European calendar.
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »

It's indeed a good show, but, as usual, not everything is perfect. I was there on Saturday.

Generally very well organized for the casual vistitor. Small static, a lot of flying aircraft. Entrance to flightlines in the morning 5 euros extra as at La Ferté. Flying after lunch, so after 2 PM or so. So many aircraft in a four-hour show, in fact, that many fly in small formations and make only a few passes each, or no passes at all. Light is only really good in the last two hours, and possibilities to photograph taxiing aircraft are limited.

I will add a log and perhaps more remarks later.

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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »

Sa 7 September

71 / 12-IE CN.235
59 / 2-EV Mirage 2000-5F
304 / 3O-EB Rafele B
11 / 709-FM PC-21
68 Epsilon, no markings, wfu?
5390 / UZ Ecureuil
F-GNSI Baron
F-AZES Flamant
F-AYTX Cessna 195
F-AYOT Alcyon
F-PCES Maouboussin M.125
F-GHLQ L-4 Cub
145 / 'DC+MV' Gomhouria
F-AZMR 'KG+FM' Nord 1002 Pingouin (c/n 216)
F-AYMI /FZ827 Fairchild 24
F-PAGD / MZ221 Auster J-1 Autocrat
... Po-2 Soviet star, in Soviet re-enactors camp, identity?
... Cub nn, in American re-enactors camp

In hangar:
F-AYOB (future reg?) Epsilon c/n 79
Other aircraft in hangars nn. The 'museum'' hangar with aircraft mostly in state of disrepair was not open, but they included an Il-2 or Il-10, and a Lysander I think.

E163 / 705_RB Alpha Jet
F-AZYI / 59 Alizé
129 / ... Rafale C


F-HCSA Extra 300
F-HXAL Extra 300
F-HCRF / VNAF 33275 Cessna Skymaster
F-AZOO / 10017 / J-DU Vampire
F-AYMD / '3540R-34 / QR-34'
HB-RVR / J-4201 Hunter
N104CJ / 18 MiG-15UTI
Rafale 109 / 4-IM
E87 / F-TELC / 1 Alpha Jet
... / F-UGFC / 2 Alpha Jet
(rest of PdF not noted)
ES-TVG / 85 L-39
N6238T / 473254 / B7-R / H P-51
... P-51
F-AYPT PT-26A Cornell '163' (Norwegian)
F-AYZA 330036 /ZM-3 L-4 Cub
F-AYPF / 0-24705 O-1 Bird Dog
NX32CS / A46-139 'Boomerang'
G-CCVH Hawk 75
F-BEJF Criquet
F-AZTK 'DL+UI' Klemm Kl 35
G-TPWX 'TP+WX' Gomhouria
F-AZZF 'AZ+ZF' Casa Jungmann
F-BEJF 'BE+FJ' Criquet
F-AZXN Stearman
G-BRSF / RR232 Spitfire 'City of Exeter', no lolnger in Norwegian markings
G-LFIX / ML407 / NL-D Spitfire
OO-XVI / SL721 / GE-S Spitfire
F-AZXR / P3351 / K Hurricane
HB-RCF / J-143 Morane-Saulnier D.3801
F-AZJA Avenger
F-AZNN C.11 / Yak-11
F-AZLY / 5 Yak-3
HB-RYA / 06 Yak-9
G-OLEG Yak-3 (ex D-FLAK)
F-HDND / 5, -GSYD / 4, -GKYF /3, -AZZD / 2, -GJMN / 1 Magister
F-AZLT / 32 Paris
F-AZPF /28 Zéphyr
F-AYSL / 138343 / 212 T-28
F-AZFN A-1 Skyraider
F-AZHK A-1 Skyraider
G-INVN / WG655 / GN Sea Fury T.20
G-RUMM 121714 F8F Bearcat
F-AZEG F4U Corsair


NC4418 Travel Air
F-GVTB Ecureuil
also a Harvard and a Stearman

Flying from elsewhere:
33 / F-RBAY A400M
Last edited by Fogg on 11 Sep 2019, 22:46, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »


F=Flight lines
D=Display line
C=Spotters corner, offering no advantage in my opinion
T=Taxi route
<=Photography towards taxiway, a bit far away

Jets use the long runway 10/28, most props used 01 on Saturday as there was a strong wind blowing from the north.

I'm not sure how well off you might be photographing from the south side of the airfield if it's accessible.
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Stratofreighter »

Fogg wrote:Image

F=Flight lines
D=Display line
C=Spotters corner, offering no advantage in my opinion
T=Taxi route
<=Photography towards taxiway, a bit far away

Jets use the long runway 10/28, most props used 01 on Saturday as there was a strong wind blowing from the north.

I'm not sure how well off you might be photographing from the south side of the airfield if it's accessible.
This is a VERY good overview. :worship:
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Wrecks »

Fogg wrote:Sa 7 September
'KG+FM' Bf 108 / Pingouin, in German re-enactors camp, identity?
N1002 F-AZMR (c/n 216)
For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »

W&R wrote:
Fogg wrote:Sa 7 September
'KG+FM' Bf 108 / Pingouin, in German re-enactors camp, identity?
N1002 F-AZMR (c/n 216)
Thank you. The unknown Yak fighter is G-OLEG (ex D-FLAK).
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »

W&R wrote:
Fogg wrote:Sa 7 September
'KG+FM' Bf 108 / Pingouin, in German re-enactors camp, identity?
N1002 F-AZMR (c/n 216)
Hi W&R, are you sure about this?

I really photographed KG+FM and not KG+EM. F-AZMR is currently for sale and all photos show it as KG+EM in a similar, but definitely different camouflage job.
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Re: 07-08 Sept 2019 Paris Melun Villaroche Air Legend show..

Post by Fogg »

Fogg wrote:Sa 7 September

71 / 12-IE CN.235
59 / 2-EV Mirage 2000-5F
304 / 3O-EB Rafele B
11 / 709-FM PC-21
5390 / UZ Ecureuil
F-GNSI Baron
F-AZES Flamant
F-AYTX Cessna 195
F-AYOT Alcyon
F-PCES Maouboussin M.125
F-GHLQ L-4 Cub
145 / 'DC+MV' Gomhouria
F-AZMR 'KG+FM' Nord 1002 Pingouin (c/n 216)
F-AYMI /FZ827 Fairchild 24
F-PAGD / MZ221 Auster J-1 Autocrat
... Po-2 Soviet star, in Soviet re-enactors camp, identity?
... Cub nn, in American re-enactors camp
F-AYAB Epsilon c/n 68, grey-blue c/s, markings painted out, civil registerd 23 Aug 2019

In hangar:
F-AYOB (future reg?) Epsilon c/n 79, white c/s, full military markings
Other aircraft in hangars nn. The 'museum'' hangar with aircraft mostly in state of disrepair was not open, but they included an Il-2 or Il-10, and a Lysander I think.

E163 / 705_RB Alpha Jet
F-AZYI / 59 Alizé
129 / ... Rafale C


F-HCSA Extra 300
F-HXAL Extra 300
F-HCRF / VNAF 33275 Cessna Skymaster
F-AZOO / 10017 / J-DU Vampire
F-AYMD / '3540R-34 / QR-34'
HB-RVR / J-4201 Hunter
N104CJ / 18 MiG-15UTI
Rafale 109 / 4-IM
E87 / F-TELC / 1 Alpha Jet
... / F-UGFC / 2 Alpha Jet
(rest of PdF not noted)
ES-TVG / 85 L-39
N6238T / 473254 / B7-R / H P-51
... P-51
F-AYPT PT-26A Cornell '163' (Norwegian)
F-AYZA 330036 /ZM-3 L-4 Cub
F-AYPF / 0-24705 O-1 Bird Dog
NX32CS / A46-139 'Boomerang'
G-CCVH Hawk 75
F-BEJF Criquet
F-AZTK 'DL+UI' Klemm Kl 35
G-TPWX 'TP+WX' Gomhouria
F-AZZF 'AZ+ZF' Casa Jungmann
F-BEJF 'BE+FJ' Criquet
F-AZXN Stearman
G-BRSF / RR232 Spitfire 'City of Exeter', no lolnger in Norwegian markings
G-LFIX / ML407 / NL-D Spitfire
OO-XVI / SL721 / GE-S Spitfire
F-AZXR / P3351 / K Hurricane
HB-RCF / J-143 Morane-Saulnier D.3801
F-AZJA Avenger
F-AZNN C.11 / Yak-11
F-AZLY / 5 Yak-3
HB-RYA / 06 Yak-9
G-OLEG Yak-3 (ex D-FLAK)
F-HDND / 5, -GSYD / 4, -GKYF /3, -AZZD / 2, -GJMN / 1 Magister
F-AZLT / 32 Paris
F-AZPF /28 Zéphyr
F-AYSL / 138343 / 212 T-28
F-AZFN A-1 Skyraider
F-AZHK A-1 Skyraider
G-INVN / WG655 / GN Sea Fury T.20
G-RUMM 121714 F8F Bearcat
F-AZEG F4U Corsair


NC4418 Travel Air
F-GVTB Ecureuil
also a Harvard and a Stearman

Flying from elsewhere:
33 / F-RBAY A400M
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