Slootdorp gliding airfield, Sat 01-06-2019

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Buccaneer S.2B
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Joined: 09 Oct 2006, 22:04
Subscriber Scramble: Buccaneer S.2B
Location: Druten

Slootdorp gliding airfield, Sat 01-06-2019

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Good evening,

At Slootdorp gliding airfield the Vereniging Historische Zweefvliegtuigen held it's annual rallye. Noted were:

D-0878 Neukom Elfe S2A
D-5520 Schleicher Ka 6CR
D-6256 / 395 Schleicher K7 Rhönadler
PH-1097 / KIM Schleicher ASK21
PH-110 Slingsby T.21C
PH-1288 Schleicher ASK13
PH-1347 Schleicher Ka 6E
PH-1497 / DY Schleicher K8B
PH-1569 / ZN Schleicher ASK21
PH-190 NV Vliegtuigbouw Günau Baby IIa
PH-193 Slingsby T.30A
PH-194 Slingsby T.30A
PH-196 Slingsby T.30A
PH-203 Slingsby T.34A-1
PH-236 Schleicher Rhönlerche II
PH-240 Schleicher Rhönlerche II
PH-272 Schleicher K7
PH-279 Schleicher Rhönlerche II
PH-319 NV Vliegtuigbouw Sagitta 013
PH-343 / SZ Schleicher Ka 6CR
PH-403 NV Vliegtuigbouw Sagitta 013
PH-404 Schleicher Ka 6E
PH-430 SZD30 Pirat
PH-922 Schleicher Ka 6CR (Siebert build)
PH-966 / GAK Schleicher K7

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