RAF Tornado GR.1s extremely busy at Honington, circa 1993

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Scramble Rookie
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RAF Tornado GR.1s extremely busy at Honington, circa 1993

Post by fisherman »

Whilst sorting through the Italian Tornados in my previous post I found these RAF Tornados, predominantly GR.1s from 15 Res Sqn, 27 Sqn, 617 Sqn, and a GR.1A from 13 Sqn all very busy, flying!

1.ImageZA563:TC and ZA608:TK Tornado GR.1s 15 Res Sqn.RAF Honnington July 1993. 1993-26 by Michael Fisher, on Flickr

2.ImageItaf Tornados visit RAF Honnington 1993-8 by Michael Fisher, on Flickr

3ImageZA563:TC GR.1 15 Res Sqn RAF Honington July 1993.1993-105 by Michael Fisher, on Flickr

4.ImageZA399:AJ-G and ZA556:AJ-C Tornado GR.1s 617 Sqn RAF Honington July 1993. 1993-102 by Michael Fisher, on Flickr

5.ImageZA595:TV Tornado GR.1 15 Res Sqn RAF Honnington July 1993. 1993-34 by Michael Fisher, on Flickr

More at https://legendarymilavia.blogspot.com/2 ... early.html if your interested.

Thanks for looking.
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Alpha Kilo One
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Re: RAF Tornado GR.1s extremely busy at Honington, circa 199

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Those were the days....! Quite recently I found myself watching slides from Brüggen. Same there. Always busy!
"Nix bliev wie it es"
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