East Kirky Airshow 2022

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Richard de Florennes
Scramble Addict
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East Kirky Airshow 2022

Post by Richard de Florennes »

EAST KIRKBY SATURDAY 06.08.2022 (mainly)RW26
Weather: scattered/broken clouds, a light shower, some sun, mild

(09:00 – 18:15 on site)

Chipmunk T.20 Historic 1350 L10:50*
Chipmunk T.10 Historic WG306 L10:50*

Mosquito NF.11 Historic HJ711/VI-C Y12:40-12:50
Lancaster B.VII Historic NX611/LE-H/DX-F Y13:57-14:09
Lancaster B.I Historic PA474/AR-L/VN-T O13:03-13:18 a/d
Spitfire Mk.IIa Historic P7350/KL-B O13:03-13:10 a/d
Hurricane Mk.IIc Historic PZ865/ZY-V O13:03-13:13 a/d
P-51D Historic 413779/WD-C O14:13-14:19 a/d
Spitfire PR.XIX Historic PS853/C O14:37-14:45 a/d
Yak-3U Historic 27 yw O15:41-15:46 a/d
Lancaster B.VII Historic NX611/LE-H/DX-F Y15:06-15:18
Mosquito NF.11 Historic HJ711/VI-C Y15:25-15:35
S.E.5A Historic 5459/F T15:53 L15:58 a/d
Chipmunk T.20 Historic 1350 T16:05 L16:15 a/d
Chipmunk T.10 Historic WG306 T16:05 L16:15 a/d
Lancaster B.VII Historic NX611/LE-H/DX-F Y17:05-17:13
Mosquito NF.11 Historic HJ711/VI-C Y17:05-17:07
Chipmunk T.10 Historic WG306 T18:02
Chipmunk T.20 Historic 1350 T18:02
Chipmunk T.10 Historic WK630 T18:04

Y = taxying only, T = takeoff, L = landing, O = overflying
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