Silver 27

One bomb on an external rack

Usually the last to return each day, a couple days she came back AFTER sun down

Illinois ANG finishing off the Sin City Visual arrival
Departures -- all Flex all the time

I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it.

Never saw an open lift fan door, on take off or recovery, but that was OK

The jet IS in a hard bank, I just happened to be shooting straight across his wing

I think that's unburnt fuel being dumped after burner shutdown? Never seen vapor from that location on a raptor before

Given that I shoot recoveries at home almost exclusively, I was SO happy to catch Growler take offs for once


My Precious! ...at Cheyenne

over Speedway

Another Speedway...BTW, he's missing the 'CF' on his other tail

Cheyenne, headed for 3R

Another for 3R, wins award for most camera shy bird all week

Recoveries WAY busier than launches

Speedway on Tuesday

Swamp Fox
...way more where these came from