REQ L-159 production

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patrick dirksen
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REQ L-159 production

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hi all,

In an article on this website (about a year old, but only now found by me...) about Aero Vodochody, it is mentioned that during the visit of the Scramble team to Vodochody L-159 "fuselage 6085" was completed. Afaik c/n 156073 is the highest one that is in service with the Czech AF (as serials 6077 and 6078 are reregistrations of c/n's 6071 and 6072). What is the fate of c/n 6074 to 6084?
And while on the subject of the L-159 does somebody know what happened to 6041 (used to be stored at Vodochody, but hasn't been seen for a long time during visits) and 6027 (was used in the conversion of 6072, but what happened to the remains? Others that were used for conversion have turned up for preservation or instructional duties).
Any help is welcome!

Patrick Dirksen
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by wamovements »

As author of that article I can confirm that new fuselages were constructed for L-159As converted to L-159T. I have complete conversion table when required.
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by wamovements »

156071 ex L-159A 6033 T1 Conversion
156072 ex L-159A 6027 T1 Conversion
156073 T2X Company demonstrator
156074 ex L-159A 6067 T1 Conversion
156075 ex L-159A 6069 T1 Conversion
156076 ex L-159A 6047 T1 Conversion
156077 ex 156071 new fuselage after return from EADS
156078 ex 156072 new fuselage after return from EADS
156079 ex L-159A 6046 T1 Conversion
156080 ex L-159A 6028 T2 Conversion
156081 ex L-159A 6031 T2 Conversion
156082 ex L-159A 6038 T2 Conversion
156083 ex L-159A 6052 PP16-1
156084 IQAF5902 ex 156017/6017
156085 IQAF5901 ex 156075/6069

So yes, 6069 recieved twice a new fuselage. Once when converted from single seat to dual seat and second time after a mishap at Vodochody before delivery to Iraq. Same is applicable for 6077 and 6078. They also received twice a new fuselage.
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by ben_sadler »

Hi all,

Interesting points above - although I am a little confused to say the least :P I visited Vodochody in detail in 2020 and confirmed a few things and there seems to be a mis-match around. Begs the question is anything actually known properly lol.

All the original L-159As which saw parts converted to T1s & T2s;

6046 L-159A C/N 156046 with the fuselage of 156046 – Dumped Aero Vodochody
6047 L-159A C/N 156047 with the fuselage of 156047 – No Known location
6067 L-159A C/N 156067 with the fuselage of 156067 – Brno Technical School
6069 L-159A C/N 156069 with the fuselage of 156069 – No Known location
6071 L-159A C/N 156071 with the fuselage of 156071 – No Known location
6072 L-159A C/N 156072 with the fuselage of 156072 – No Known location

6028 L-159A C/N 156028 with the fuselage of 156028 – No Known location
6031 L-159A C/N 156031 with the fuselage of 156031 – No Known location
6038 L-159A C/N 156038 with the fuselage of 156038 – No Known location

Wings, tail, rear fuselage, and nose cone radome were used in the rebuild to T1/T2s from original As. New fuselages were given however most kept their original C/N the only exception seem to have been those sent to EADS originally.

6046 L-159T1+ C/N 156046 with the fuselage of 156080 – Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6047 L-159T1+ C/N 156047 with the fuselage of 156079 – Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6067 L-159T1+ C/N 156067 with the fuselage of 156076 – Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6069 L-159T1+ C/N 156069 with the fuselage of 1560?? (Candidates 74,81,82,83) – Eventually sold to Iraq as IQAF-5901
6071 L-159T1+ C/N 156077 with the fuselage of 156077 – Sold to EADS returned and now 6077. Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6072 L-159T1+ C/N 156078 with the fuselage of 156078 - Sold to EADS returned and now 6078. Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron

6028 L-159T2 C/N 156028 with the fuselage of 156085– Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6031 L-159T2 C/N 156031 with the fuselage of 156086?? POSSIBLY – Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron
6038 L-159T2 C/N 156038 with the fuselage of 156087?? POSSIBLY – Active Caslav 213 Training Squadron

I would be interested to know your thoughts @wamovements. I categorically read some of the C/Ns off which confirmed that they had new fuselages but stuck to the CN of the original number. Fuselage 156075 was also present at Vodochody so I assume is the mis-hap one? I was also under the impression that 156084 for Iraq was a new build?


Ben Sadler
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by wamovements »

Interesting Ben as the list I publish above was confirmed to me while at Aero in Feb22. Only 2 I can confirm 100% *As seen by myself are 6052/156083 as the PP16 prototype and 156085 as being Iraq AF 5901 as it was marked 6085 in feb22 in the MRO facility.
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by ben_sadler »

It is all interesting I must say. I’d have to dig through my records but I read a couple of C/Ns, but maybe they stencil the number and C/N around the frame and use the new fuselages?

I will cross match yours later, it does confirm the T2 ones which I was not sure on.

So does that mean 6052 is now out of service and they’re using it to convert for the PP programme?

Also, do you know what they did with all the original fuselages before conversion. When I was at Aero last 156046 was dumped outside and 156067 is known to be at Brno technical school.

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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by wamovements »

I didn't went to storage area, just MRO, L-39NG production line and flight test hangar. 6052 was PP16 prototype and I think that was the only one they built a new fuselage for. I think it returned to service with a new fuselage where all others remain their original fuselage (pp16 programm was finalized in 2022). 156085 was confirmed as final 159 fuselage. For both Iraqi's twin seat they built a new fuselage.

They indeed use original c/n for new fuselages, which is a dilemma for aircraft spotters like me who counts fuselage.
patrick dirksen
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hmmm, talking about the infamous can of worms....
Thanks for your input gents!

Still looking for the fate/whereabouts of 6027 and 6041....

Patrick Dirksen
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Re: REQ L-159 production

Post by ben_sadler »

So I have put together some bits from the information above - copied direct from excel but should be understood from the format left to right..

Conversion L159A/T1* frame
Serial Number Displayed
Aircraft Designated Type
Construction Number Carried
Construction Number of Built Frame Used

6033/156033 6071 L159T1 156071 156071 - Unknown - disposed of ex EADS?
6027/156027 6072 L159T1 156072 156072 - Unknown - disposed of ex EADS?
n/a 6073 L159T2X 156073 156073 - Demonstrator Vodochody
6067/156067 6067 L159T1+ 156067 156074 - Active Czech AirForce
6069/156069 6069 L159T1 156069 156075 - Stored Vodochody Inside Sep 2020
6047/156047 6047 L159T1+ 166047 156076 - Active Czech AirForce
6071/156071* 6077 L159T1+ 156077 156077 - Active Czech AirForce
6072/156072* 6078 L159T1+ 156078 156078 - Active Czech AirForce
6046/156046 6046 L159T1+ 156046 156079 - Active Czech AirForce
6028/156028 6028 L159T2 156028 156080 - Active Czech AirForce
6031/156031 6031 L159T2 156031 156081 - Active Czech AirForce
6038/156038 6038 L159T2 156038 156082 - Active Czech AirForce
6052/156052 6052 L159A (PP16) 156052 156083 - PP16 Trials Vodochody
6017/156017 IQAF5902 L159T1 156084 156084 - To Iraqi AirForce
6069/156075* IQAF5901 L159T1 156085 156085 - To Iraqi AirForce

As per the original fuselage frames;
All the original L-159As which saw parts converted to T1s & T2s;

6046 L-159A C/N 156046 with the fuselage of 156046 – Dumped Aero Vodochody
6047 L-159A C/N 156047 with the fuselage of 156047 – No Known location
6067 L-159A C/N 156067 with the fuselage of 156067 – Brno Technical School
6069 L-159A C/N 156069 with the fuselage of 156069 – No Known location
6033 L159A C/N 156033 with the fuselage of 156033 – No Known location
6027 L159A C/N 156027 with the fuselage of 156027 – No Known location
6028 L-159A C/N 156028 with the fuselage of 156028 – No Known location
6031 L-159A C/N 156031 with the fuselage of 156031 – No Known location
6038 L-159A C/N 156038 with the fuselage of 156038 – No Known location

Double fuselaged following conversion to T1 already;
6069 L-159T1 C/N 156069 with the fuselage of 156075 – Stored Vodochody inside after mishap 2020
6071 L-159T1 C/N 156071 with the fuselage of 156071 – No Known location
6072 L-159T1 C/N 156072 with the fuselage of 156072 – No Known location

You would have to argue that the vast majority of original A fuselages were disposed of following their use :D
6027 was used in the rebuild of 6071 before transfer to EADS Patrick so I would assume it has long gone,

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