Elefsina / Elefsis (LGEL) - 02.10.2024

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Scramble Die-Hard
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Elefsina / Elefsis (LGEL) - 02.10.2024

Post by Adraf »

LGEL 02.10.2024

B.350 403 EKAB/356 MTM
B.350 404 EKAB/356 MTM

King Air 200 F-ZBMB SecCiv

C-27J 4118 354 MTM
C-27J 4120 354 MTM
C-27J 41?? 354 MTM
C-27J 41?? 354 MTM
C-27J no props, no nose

C-130B 948 356 MTM
C-130H 741 356 MTM
C-130H 751 356 MTM
C-130H 7?? 356 MTM
C-130J-30 07-8609/RS 86th AW

CL-215 1041 355 MTM
CL-215 1045 355 MTM
CL-215 1069 355 MTM
CL-215 1073 355 MTM
CL-415 811 PPE CroAF
CL-415 2052 383 MEEA
CL-415 F-ZBFP/31 SecCiv
CL-415 I-DPCR/31 VdF
CL-415 I-DPCZ/21 VdF

additionally noted the night before was:

ERJ-135 145-209 352 MMYP

additional Canadairs seen fighting the fires in the Corinth Region were:

CL-215 1110 355 MTM
CL-415 2056 383 MEEA
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