EGWU 16.10.2024 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 16.10.2024 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Wednesday 16th October visitors,

9H-KFX EMB-550 Flexjets Operations Malta Ltd. FJO65K arr 15:48 from EBBR dep 18:50 to LFPB
CS-DSG Global 6000 EJM Europe JME613G arr 10:02 from EGGW dep 11:04 to LFPB
D-BURO CL-300 Aero-Dienst GmbH ADN36F arr 09:48 from EDMA dep 11:39 to LEPA
HB-VMS Cessna 680A BHS Aviation BHZ68A arr 08:37 from LSZH dep 09:28 to LSZH
N628MW Global 6500 N628MW LLC EJM75 arr 11:13 from LIRA dep 18th/11:31 to KHPN
N887WM Gulfstream G650ER Bill Gates arr 12:17 from EDDM dep 17th/11:17 to EGSS
OO-SLM Cessna 560XLS Luxaviation Belgium AAB98S arr 11:07 from LFPB dep 18th/17:19 to EBBR
SP-CIT Cessna 525 Bartolini Air BNI5T arr 16:01 from LFPB dep 17:02 to EGLF
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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