Scramble 342 will be out in a couple of days

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Scramble Junior
Scramble Junior
Posts: 248
Joined: 12 Apr 2006, 23:00
Type of spotter: serious
Subscriber Scramble: You bet

Scramble 342 will be out in a couple of days

Post by jurgen »

Due to some technical difficulties at the printers Scramble issue 342 will appear one or two days later on your doorstep. Our sincere apologies for this delay.

No Dustpan & Brush section this month and the military news/updates section is smaller than usual, but we have a large number of articles to make up for this loss.

In this month's edition we have special features about:

Due to the expected airshows in Greece we had completed our overview of Greek military airfields. The status of the airshows (will they be on or not) is still not exactly clear, but for those who are ready and willing to explore take this issue with you for all the best spots to see and/or photograph the aircraft and helicopters. Many more airfield can be found on our website.

Due to the location of this years Tiger Meet, up in the north at Orland (Norway, it was this year dubbed Arctic Tiger. At usual several aircraft receive a special paint job. This article was provided by someone outside the Scramble editorial team.

-CIAF 2007.
The annual airshow at Brno (Czech Republic) is always attracting interesting visitors. Enough reason for a special on this show.

Most aircraft end up at the scrapheap after their operational career. This DC-9 survived and is still regularly hosting lots of passengers.

A visit to a carrier is always impressive. This article tells one side of the story on board the USS Nimitz.

The largest article this months gives an in-depth review of this Mexican government agency.

All aviation enthusiasts, and especially those with an extra interest in 'Warbirds', were looking out for this show for a long time. The largest gathering of North American P-51 Mustangs for a long long time. Two of our editors went to Ohio and came home with all the numbers and stunning pictures.

We have all been waiting for this to happen for a long time. But Vulcan XH558 has taken to the air again. I guess we all cannot wait to see it again for the first time.

Do not forget to download the Military Updates at Twenty-four pages with info on twenty-three countries.

Our monthly returning topics:
-Movements and trips Netherlands, Belgium + Rest of the World, civil and
-The latest news, civil and military;
-Updates on the world's aircraft fleets, civil and military;
-Aircraft mishaps in Dustpan and Brush;
-Wrecks & Relics;
-Scramble Intelligence Service;

*SMS Europe 2007, *3rd edition serialbook with the active aircraft of all European armed forces.
Prices Including postage and credit card fee: Netherlands Euro 18.00, Europe/Rest of the world Euro 20.00.
Non-subscribers pay Euro 5.00 extra.

*SMS Americas 2007, *1st edition serialbook with the active aircraft of all the armed forces of North, Central and South America!
Prices Including postage and credit card fee: Netherlands Euro 23.00, Europe/Rest of the world Euro 25.00/Euro 25.00.
Non-subscribers pay Euro 5.00 extra.

*EMOOS 2007, *European Military Out Of Service, all Wrecks & Relics AND Warbirds in continental Europe!
Prices Including postage and credit card fee: Netherlands Euro 31.00, Europe/Rest of the World Euro 34.00/Euro 35.00
Non-subscribers pay Euro 5.00 extra.

*Besides the well known T-shirt we now also have a navy blue poloshirt for sale. Only available in size XL (we know ourselves and our market...) and prices are: Euro 17.00 in the Netherlands, Euro 19.00 in Europe and Euro 21.00 in the rest of the world for Scramble subscribers, this includes P&P. Non-subscribers pay Euro 2.00 extra.

Our on line shop now also offers PayPal to pay for your Scramble goodies. This is a secure way of paying and has no extra charges to the customer. Check out" onclick=";return false; or" onclick=";return false; for more info.

And be the first to know what is going on in the military and civil aviation world and the airfield near you. Besides the monthly magazine, which averages about 150 pages (based on 2006 average), you will have a deeper access to our online databases (which are regarded the most informative in the world), airfield guides and lots more on our website.
You also get a discount on all our shop items. The magazine is in English, check out for all the details and this issue could be on your doorstep very soon.

In cooperation with AIRnieuw, Scramble presents the bi-annual Dutch Spotters Convention. Over forty booth with aviation related stuff (pictures, slides, books, kits, etc). You can have your own booth for only Euro 20.-
When: Saturday 10 November 2007, 10.00-16.00hr
Location: Terminal Rotterdam Airport, Parking is free at P1 and P3
(check below website for details)
For more info:

Hope to see you all in Rotterdam!

The annual Nederlandse Spotters Kampioenschappen (Dutch Spotter Championships) are held in Leeuwarden this year, on Saturday 8 December 2007. The location is not yet known, but keep this day in mind if you want to have an enjoyable day out and root for your favourite team!


Jurgen van Toor
Dutch Aviation Society / Scramble
USAF / US Army & Israel Editor
website:" onclick=";return false;

Scramble magazine is now published in English. For more info and
subscription details check out
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