Last Thursday it was again time for a spottersday at Arlanda, more or less organised by the Swedish spottersgroup of The weather was changeable and at several moment we had some nasty rain coming down. Yet, I was not dissapointed by that as it resulted in some real nice pics, I love those black clouds!!
We started at 7am and first went down to the approach, rwy26 was in use for landing.
Two spots were given a try: one for touchdown shots and the other approach shots:



At around 11am we went for lunch and afterwards to the otherside of the airport to catch some take-offs from rwy19R:





Around 14:00 it was off to the landing at rwy 19L, at the spotterspavilion, as they had changed the approach:





Then at 16 o'clock we changed positions along rwy19L and moved a bit more down the runway for some roll-out/taxi shots:







After 12 hours at Arlanda, at 19:00, we decided to call it to an end. A very succesfull day again which has resulted in some very nice photos!
Thanks for watching and greetings from Sweden!