ETAR 31-01-2009

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Jan-Pieter Bergmans
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ETAR 31-01-2009

Post by Jan-Pieter Bergmans »

Noted the following on 31-01-2009 between 08:45 and 12:00.

70-0457 C-5A 445AW / AFRC
70-0466 C-5A 433AW / AFRC
85-0009 C-5B 459AW / AFRC
85-0010 C-5B 60AMW
87-0042 C-5B 60AMW
87-0124 KC-10A 305AMW
89-1191 C-17A 437AW
90-0532 C-17A 437AW
97-0047 C-17A 437AW
98-0055 C-17A 62AW
03-3114 C-17A 183AS / MS ANG
03-3119 C-17A 183AS / MS ANG
04-4131 C-17A 305AMW
06-6155 C-17A 60AMW
06-6162 C-17A 60AMW
06-6168 C-17A 436AW
07-7171 C-17A 436AW
99-1933 EC-130J 193SOS / PA ANG
92-3281 C-130H 934AW / AFRC
92-3283 C-130H 934AW / AFRC
73-1597 C-130H 317AG
74-1666 C-130H 317AG
61-0309 KC-135R 126ARS / WI ANG
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Re: ETAR 31-01-2009

Post by perrie »

Nice log, thanks for sharing.

Will have a look tomorrow. :D
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