EHEH 07-07-2009 CIV

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EHEH 07-07-2009 CIV

Post by flying_kiwi »

Busy, and a nice variety today:
0750/0910		B763		PH-MCH		MPH301/301		AMS/AAN
0810/1010		F100		F-GNLH		BLE942P/942		CDG/BLQ
0820/____		B732		OD-LMB		MED861/****		BEY/XXX
0845/0940		TBM8		N850SF		N850SF/N850SF		ETND/VIE
0850/1000		B734		TC-TJE		CAI041/040		AYT/AYT
____/0925		A124		UR-82007		****/ADB5679		XXX/LEJ
0915/1100		A320		TC-OBD		OHY715/716		AYT/AYT
1040/1200		B734		TC-SKM		SHY279/280		AYT/AYT
1150/1300		B737		PH-XRA		TRA6654/6625		AGP/ALC
1235/1255		A320		HA-LPF		WZZ227K/228L		BUD/BUD
1240/1320		A320		HA-LPT		WZZ127J/128K		KTW/KTW
1225/1710		C525		N511TC		STE1/STE1			CBG/XXX
1335/1430		B738		EI-DLC		RYR4535/4536		BGY/BGY
1435/1510		B738		PH-HZE		TRA208/207		BJV/BJV
1445/1510		A320		TC-FBF		PGT289/290		AYT/AYT
1530/1600		B738		PH-HZM		TRA924/923		AYT/AYT
1535/____		J328		D-BGAE		RUS5007/****		LBG/XXX
1635/1730		A320		HA-LPL		WZZ827Q/828R		PRG/PRG
1715/1755		TBM8		N850SF		N850SF/N850SF		VIE/ETND
1835/____		AN12		UR-CFB		VIZ2355/****		EVE/XXX
1905/2005		ATP		LX-WAT		NPT450/451		CVT/CVT
2000/____		F50		OO-VLI		VLM787/****		OSL/XXX
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Re: EHEH 07-07-2009 CIV

Post by flying_kiwi »

The Med Airways/Flying Carpet B732 is still on the ground here, as it reportedly didn't pass a SAFA inspection by IVW.
Departure is postponed until the defects are rectified.

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Re: EHEH 07-07-2009 CIV

Post by Hurricane »

flying_kiwi wrote:The Med Airways/Flying Carpet B732 is still on the ground here, as it reportedly didn't pass a SAFA inspection by IVW.
Departure is postponed until the defects are rectified.

Departure expected today @ 1730, via Boecharest to Erbil; currious if they will return afterwards (IVW has a nasty habbit of scaring away nice airlines from NL Airfields :evil: )


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