Flugausstellung Leo Junior, Hermeskeil, 2009

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frank kramer
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Flugausstellung Leo Junior, Hermeskeil, 2009

Post by frank kramer »

A full log of what was noted in this interesting museum in Spring 2009; there are some holes (the newly arrived Saab Draken, for instance) but I hope someone will be able to fill them in.. The list below is as
  • 01-05-2009 Hermeskeil Flugausst. Leo Junior

    “F-WTSA/G-SST” Concorde mock-up
    “152/17” Fokker Dr.1 replica
    (BA-35) Mirage VBA French AF c/s “13-PL”
    FX-60 F-104G Belgian AF
    (MT-43/410) CM170R half Belgian AF MT-43/half FAF 410, cs as "MT-31"
    (1217) MiG21F-13 Czech AF
    (173)/12-YP Super Mystère B.2 French AF
    304/33-TN Mirage IIIR French AF
    Bf108 Luftwaffe “KG+EM”
    Do27A1 “D-EFSV”
    BF-105 F-84F Luftwaffe 52-6778
    DD-380/DE-254 F-84F Luftwaffe 51-1702
    EA-241 RF-84F Luftwaffe 52-7663
    JC-101 CL-13B Sabre Luftwaffe
    20+43 F-104G Luftwaffe
    (24+91) RF-104G Luftwaffe
    (26+61) F-104G Luftwaffe
    (30+86) G.91R Luftwaffe cockpit
    (31+70) G.91R LW as ItAF “5-257”
    40+61 A Jet A Luftwaffe
    (52+08) An26 East German AF
    54+21 Pembroke Luftwaffe
    (54+24) Pembroke Luftwaffe, RAF c/s
    (78+13) Sycamore “D-HFUM”
    78+33/GD-115 Sycamore Luftwaffe, boom
    (83+11) H-21C Heer cockpit
    (83+21) H-21C Heer
    (87+08) Bo105P Heer
    91+90 FW.P.149D Luftwaffe
    94+39 T-33A Luftwaffe
    (95+17) T-33A LW as RCAF “133393”
    96+50 Mi24P Luftwaffe
    99+16 OV-10B Luftwaffe
    (180) L-39ZO East German AF 28+30
    (343) MiG23ML East German AF 20+19
    402 Mi9 East German AF (93+95)
    413 MiG17
    (568) MiG23MF East German AF 20+01
    618 Mi14PS East German Navy
    678 Su22M4 East German AF (25+16)
    698 MiG23BN East German AF (20+46)
    775 MiG21MF East German AF (23+44)
    853 MiG21BFS East German AF (24+24)
    (889) MiG21SPS East German AF 22+36
    909 Mi8T East German AF (94+20)
    979 MiG21SPSK East German AF cockpit
    031 Mi1 Hungary AF
    111 C-47A Royal Jordanian AF
    (2139) Mi4 Polish AF
    3076 Il.14P Polish AF
    (3501) Lim5 Polish AF “301”
    5309/09 Su7B
    (BR.21-14) CASA C211 Spain AF as “G1+FL”
    (35...)/21-60 S.35E Draken Swedish AF c/s
    37974/21-64 AJSH-37 Swedish AF
    C-541 FFA C-3605 Swiss AF
    J-1797 Venom FB.4 Swiss AF
    J-4098 Hunter F.58 Swiss AF FlSt4
    V-248 Alouette III Swiss AF
    XM264 Canberra B(I).8 RAF
    (XR398) Comet 4R RAF as “G-BDIW”
    XL450-042 Gannett RN
    XW927 Harrier RAF fuselage
    XZ998 Harrier GR.3 RAF
    XF418 Hunter F.6 RAF
    XX955/GK Jaguar GR.1 RAF
    XE670/64 Jet Provost RAF
    XN782 Lightning F.2A RAF
    Scout AH.1 Army (c/n F2-87?)
    XJ348/37 Sea Devon RN
    XE327/644-LH Sea Hawk Mk4 RN
    XX948-P Tornado P.01 RAF
    XR527/K Wessex RAF
    XT670 Wessex RAF
    XD186 Whirlwind HAR.10 RAF
    XP352 Whirlwind HAR.10 RAF
    63-421/SA F-4C USAF
    63-7583 F-4C USAF
    68-587/SW RF-4C USAF
    "56-3944" TF-100F USAF *
    56-1125 F-102A USAF
    62-4417 F-105F USAF
    (D-9511) S-64 cockpit
    D-ACUT N2501D ex 52+56
    D-ALIN L.1049 Lufthansa
    (D-AN)AM V.814 Viscount BAF c/s
    (D-CIAD) CASA352L ex (T2B-237)
    D-EDEW PA J-3C
    D-ESSJ Let Z37 Chmelak
    D-FDEM AT-6F
    D-HBZV UH-1D
    (D-HMUY) Bo105CB
    D-HOBC Brantly-Hines BH-2
    D-HZPQ Mi2
    D-HZPS Ka26
    D-IFMP Do28D2
    D-YLAS FG Stettin Landman
    D-8045 Hütter H-17B
    D-8518 Scheibe Mü BE Bergfalke II
    D-8752 Doppelraab 4
    DDR-SCK Tu134
    DDR-STH Il.18
    G-ARVF VC.10
    G55-2 Vinten VI-22
    HA-ANA An2
    N56786 PT-18
    RA-21133 Mi6
*: According to the book "West German Military Wrecks and Relics since 1956" (GA Hiltermann, Flash Aviation, 1990) the TF-100F is ex- French AF 56-4014/11-YR fitted with tail of F-100D 54-2136 and painted in the fake USAF scheme mentioned above.

PS: I tried to make colums to make the list more readable by spacing the text but this doesn't seem to work in the displayed version. Anybody out there with a clue as to how to do this properly?
Frank Kramer

Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
Hans van Herk
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Re: Flugausstellung Leo Junior, Hermeskeil, 2009

Post by Hans van Herk »

Hello Frank,
The Draken is ex Swedish and also "ex Danish". Serial is 35931, model Saab S35E Draken.
Originally delivered to Sweden, the aircraft was transferred to Denmark on 6 February 1980 and used for spare parts. It was stored at Karup and had the number BOR931 painted on it.
At Hermeskeil they repainted the aircraft and coded it F21-60. I do not know if this has been an original code used by this Draken when in Sedish service.

Hans van Herk
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