Unit Type of Aircraft Serial Code Arr Dep Last Note Remarks LuTSta C-130K 8T-CA 04-10 04-10 AUTAF81 Düsentrainerstaffel Saab J105OË BA-31 06-10 06-10 Talon 31 Düsentrainerstaffel Saab J105OË BG-37 04-10 08-10 Talon 27 Düsentrainerstaffel Saab J105OË BF- 08-10 11-10 Talon 30 Düsentrainerstaffel Saab J105OË RG-27 04-10 08-10 Talon 28 Düsentrainerstaffel Saab J105OË RF-26 04-10 08-10 Talon 29, Tiger cs 10W F-16AM FA70 04-10 07-10 Tiger 21 10W F-16AM FA81 04-10 08-10 Tiger 11 10W F-16AM FA87 04-10 08-10 Tiger 12 spec c/s 10W F-16AM FA129 04-10 08-10 Tiger 14 10W F-16AM FA132 04-10 08-10 Tiger 31 10W F-16AM FA133 04-10 08-10 Tiger 13 10W F-16AM FA135 04-10 08-10 Tiger 22 10W F-16BM FB20 04-10 08-10 Tiger 32 242.tsl An26 2507 04-10 04-10 CEF647 211.tl JAS39C 9234 04-10 08-10 CEF324 211.tl JAS39C 9235 04-10 08-10 CEF324 211.tl JAS39C 9241 08-10 11-10 CEF325 211.tl JAS39C 9245 04-10 08-10 CEF323 211.tl JAS39D 9819 04-10 08-10 CEF323 212.tl L-159T1 6069 06-10 06-10 CEF858 221.lbvr Mi-35 3371 04-10 08-10 CEF852 EE05.002 Alpha Jet E E97 06-10 06-10 FAF7141 ETOO.061 C-160R R18 61-MM 04-10 04-10 CTM 1941 EC01.012 Mirage 2000C 80 103-LI 04-10 08-10 FAF7601A Tiger c/s EC01.012 Mirage 2000C 85 103-LK 04-10 06-10 FAF7601B EC02.005 Mirage 2000C 97 115-YK 08-10 08-10 FAF7330 EC01.012 Mirage 2000C 112 103-KQ 04-10 08-10 FAF7602A EC01.012 Mirage 2000C 121 103-KN 04-10 07-10 FAF7602B EC01.012 Mirage 2000C 122 103-YE 06-10 07-10 FAF7601 ECE05.330 Mirage 2000B 525 118-AM 04-10 08-10 FAF7601C ECE05.330 Mirage 2000D 635 118-AS 04-10 08-10 BULLET45 ECE05.330 Mirage 2000D 668 118-IG 01-10 08-10 BULLET45 Tiger c/s CEAM TBM-700A 78 XE 06-10 06-10 FAF9178 LTG61 C-160D 50+64 04-10 04-10 GAF256 LTG63 C-160D 50+75 04-10 04-10 GAF253 GAF C-160D exp 15-10 ETA 0930LT ETD 1030LT GAF256 AG51 Tornado IDS 45+50 08-10 08-10 AG51 Tornado IDS 45+64 04-10 08-10 Panther 1 AG51 Tornado IDS 46+10 04-10 11-10 Panther 2 AG51 Tornado IDS 46+15 04-10 08-10 Panther 3 JBG32 Tornado ECR 46+29 04-10 08-10 GAF LC1A JBG32 Tornado ECR 46+30 04-10 08-10 GAF LC1B JBG32 Tornado ECR 46+33 04-10 08-10 GAF LC1C MH 59 Sz.D.REB. An26 407 04-10 04-10 HuAF 106 MH 59 Sz.D.REB. An26 603 04-10 04-10 HuAF 107 MH 59 Sz.D.REB. An26 EXP 15-10 ETA 1305 ETD 1430 HuAF 108 MH 59 Sz.D.REB. An26 EXP 15-10 ETA 1400 ETD 1525 HuAF 109 MH 59 Sz.D.REB. JAS39C 32 04-10 08-10 Puma 51C MH 59 Sz.D.REB. JAS39C 36 04-10 08-10 Puma 51B MH 59 Sz.D.REB. JAS39D 42 04-10 08-10 Puma 51A MH 59 Sz.D.REB. JAS39D 43 05-10 08-10 G326 21°Gr AB212AM MM81148 04-10 08-10 I1148 21°Gr AB212AM MM81375 04-10 08-10 I1148 98°Gr C-27J MM62215 46-80 04-10 04-10 I2217 98°Gr C-27J MM62217 46-81 04-10 04-10 I2220 71°Gr P180AM MM62206 06-10 06-10 301sq AH-64D 300sq AS532U2 335 skv C-130J-30 5630 30-9 30-9 support NOW335 335 skv C-130J-30 5630 04-10 05-10 support NOW335I FLO F-16AM 276 04-10 07-10 NOW338B FLO F-16AM 291 04-10 08-10 NOW338E FLO F-16AM 292 04-10 06-10 NOW338G FLO F-16AM 658 04-10 08-10 NOW338F FLO F-16AM 660 04-10 08-10 NOW338A FLO F-16AM 671 04-10 08-10 NOW338C FLO F-16AM 672 04-10 08-10 NOW338D FLO F-16AM 692 06-10 08-10 NOW338 Tiger mks FLO F-16AM 692 11-10 11-10 NOW338 Tiger mks PAF F-16AM 15102 08-10 11-10 AFP67 PAF F-16AM 15124 08-10 11-10 AFP67 LTDB Beech 1900 T-729 08-10 08-10 SUI729 LTDB Beech 1900 T-729 11-10 11-10 SUI729 221 Filo C-160D 69-027 1-10 4-10 TUAF718 221 Filo C-160D 69-040 1-10 4-10 TUAF719 192 Filo F-16C 93-0682 1-10 08-10 TuAF 551 full Tiger tail 192 Filo F-16C 93-0689 1-10 08-10 TuAF 552 normal tail with yellow/balck tail band and two tiger heads in black outline 192 Filo F-16D 93-0696 1-10 08-10 TuAF 553 full Tiger tail (right) and "192 Kaplanlar" (left) FRA Falcon 20 G-FRAW 11-10 FRA Falcon 20Arrivals Monday 4 October 2010
Departure Friday 15 October 2010
From Tuesday 5 to Thursday 14 October 2010; 2 missions a day 1 AM, 1 PM
Current (rough) schedule for t/o AM: between 09:15 and 11:00 lt
Current (rough) schedule for t/o PM: 14:00 lt and 1600 lt
AM wave is to consist of several formations, departing at 10 minute intervals.
PM wase is set to be a real mass launch.
Main and parallel runways will be in use for all participants for take off and recovery.
The callsign within the remarks column is the callsign during arrival.
Tactical callsigns:
AIRMAX 35-40 M2000 French Air Force EC01.012 ARTIC 25-28 F-16AM/BM Norwegian Air Force BRONZ 21-22 F-16AM/BM Belgium Air Force BULLET 45-46 M2000 French Air Force EC05.330 COWBOY 73-74 SAAB 105 Austrian Air Force CRACK 63 Lj35 / L-39 CIVIL DEAMON 53-54 JAS39C/D Hungarian Air Force DUST AB212 Italian Air Force ESSO 77 KC-135R USAF 121st ARS out of EHEH FLAME 11-12 F-16AM/BM Netherlands Air Force GRIFIN 41-44 JAS39C/D Czech Air Force HIND 31 MI35 Czech Air Force KAPLAN 33-35 F-16C/D Turkish Air Force KING 05-08 F-16AM/BM Netherlands Air Force PANTHER 47-48 Tornado IDS German Air Force AG51 SILVER 15-18 F-16AM/CM Belgium Air Force SONIC 23-24 F-16AM/BM Norwegian Air Force STUKA 51-52 Tornado ECR German Air Force JBG32 TIGER 01-04 F-16AM/BM Netherlands Air Force
Unit Type of Aircraft Serial Code Arr Dep Last Note Remarks NAEW&CF E-3A Operating out of Geilenkirchen 121st ARW KC-135R 63-7993 04-10 TAZZ 84The KC-135R will fly daily out of Eindhoven in the afternoon
I will try to up-date this list on a daily basis. Feel free to send up-dates / remarks.
Last update: 04-10-2010
Credits: Spotting Group Volkel Forum, Mysteryship, Scramble Forum, Oscar Sannen
It seems some versions of Internet Explorer do not show the table correctly, while FireFox and Google Chrome both do.