Some shots from Mont-de-Marsan.
On Saterday we stood close to the runway but flying was limited with Rafale, Extra 330, Ramex Delta Duo and Patrouille de France.
Static display was placed in clusters with a lot of fences and even more red coloured banners.
Many jets stood inside the sunsheds.

Sunday started grey and even with some rain but light conditions became better.
Many jets were pulled out of their sunshed and the base acted if it was a normal operational day; so a lot of flying from the opszone!

Alpha Jet going out for a DACT with 2 Mirage-2000-5F's

One of the delta's in Dijon colours.

More local based Rafale-C's going out from the opszone.

Ramex Delta Duo from Istres. Nowadays the best power demo; sheer power, speed and noise!

Stef V