Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

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Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

Post by peteweston »


I visited Melbourne FL at Christmas and managed to see the Hueys stored there. I only managed to get two of the serials: 70-15832 and 70-16240. Can any kind soul help with the remainder? There was a list published in Scramble Issue 395 but that was as at Feb 12 and aircraft could have changed since then.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Ramon Berk
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Re: Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

Post by Ramon Berk »


I will be in the neighbourhood next week, what are the spotting-possibilities there? Maybe I can take a look for you. What kind of aircraft can be seen at Melbourne Airport. On google maps I saw a Firefighting Neptune parked there.

Kind regards,

Ramon Berk
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Re: Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

Post by EHAM »

Are you sure it's a Neptune Ramon? If you're referring to the two planes (one red, one white) on the north side of the airport, those planes are probably not Neptunes as they're as large as a Cessna 172 which are parked a bit to the left.
Joost de Wit
Ramon Berk
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Re: Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

Post by Ramon Berk »

Joost, you are right, it's not a Neptune (unfortunately). Thanks!
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