LOG 27-09-2013

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Moderator: joost

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LOG 27-09-2013

Post by joost »

Saudi SR22's on delivery

Crossed The Netherlands into Germany via:

N259RS: 123.700 -> 124.875 -> 129.300 -> 125.225 -> 124.900
N268RS: 123.700 -> 124.875 -> 129.175 -> 125.225 -> 124.900
N281RS: 123.700 -> 124.875 -> 129.175 -> 125.225 -> 135.650 -> 124.900
N267RS: 123.700 -> 124.875 -> 129.175 -> 125.225 -> 135.650 -> 124.900
N285RS: 123.700 -> 124.875 -> ???.??? -> 125.225

All showing full ADS-B on SBS-1, no A/A found
N281RS confirmed on 129.175 they are delivery flight to Saudi Arabia
While working 124.900 they were in the descent to FL060, asume for N285RS will also switch 135.650 -> 124.900

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Joined: 10 Jan 2003, 20:09
Location: Grave

Re: LOG 27-09-2013

Post by joost »

Heard via http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/

1626z:RCH737 wkg Santa Maria 08906.0 / 43N40W 1624 FL230 42N35W 1711 next LUKAL / At 35W Santa Maria 132.150

1630z: GOLD53 Wkg Santa Maria 08906.0 / 43N40W 1628 FL250-270 ??N35W 1704 / Selcal HJAQ / Sec 08825.0 / at 35W Santa Maria 132.150

1634z: OCEAN32Wkg Santa Maria 08906.0 / 39N20W 1700 Selcal CMBS

1652z: GAF022 Wkg Santa Maria 08906.0 / Switiching to 132.150 / Dest Lajes, Sounded like a C160
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