Chile flighttrack G IVSP 914 640Chilean Air Force gets fourth Gulfstream

On 3 February 2021, the new mount for the Fuerza Aerea de Chile (FACH, Chilean Air Force), Gulfstream G-IVSP serial 914 (construction number 1379), made a test flight from Gulfstream's West Palm Beach (FL) facility.

Formerly N450EF, it has been cancelled from the US civil aircraft register on 21 December 2020 as being exported to Chile. It now surfaced on various flight tracking sites as "FACH914". Last year, FACh incorporated another G-IV, serial 913. That one was specifically tasked for the aerial photography role and taken up by SAF (Servicio Aerofotogramétrico).

We do not know if the new one will be a VIP machine for Grupo 10 or will receive a similar role as 913.

Source: Flightaware (Thanks, Kenneth, for the heads up!)

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