Russia Su 34 Daniil Popov 640Comprehensive overview of Russian contracts

According to the December 2020 release of the CNA *) Occasional Papers, the Russian military have heavily invested in the Defence Industry.

Already started in the 2000s, but especially in the last decade, Russia has procured new combat aircraft and helicopters and modernised its existing aircraft. According to open sources, the Russian Federation - Aerospace Forces (RF VKS) and the Russian Federation - Naval Aviation (AVMF RF) received a total of around 440 new combat aircraft (around 550 including Yak-130 jet trainers) in 2006-2019. In addition to the procurement of new aircraft, most of the MiG-31s still in service - as well as a significant number of Su-24s, Su-25s, Su-27s, and Su-33s—have been upgraded. Limited upgrades were also made to the Tu-22M3, Tu-95MS, and Tu-160 bombers, and their extensive modernisation is expected in the future.

The overall capacity of Russian combat aviation has increased significantly in recent years. The majority of the Russian Federation - Army Aviation now consists of new helicopters. The capacity of the strategic aviation has significantly increased because of modernization and rearming to new cruise missiles.

On 14 December 2021, the roll-out of the first flight model of the Unmanned Combat Aerial System (UCAS) S-70 Okhotnik occurred at the V.P. Chkalov NAZ plant in Novosibirsk. It was actually the first full-fledged flight prototype S-70-2 of the heavy UCAS. The prototype S-70-2 features some significant changes in comparison with the previously built flight demonstrator S-70-B1 (marked Red 071) which represented the Okhotnik-B research demonstrator, in particular the flat engine nozzle to reduce visibility. Scramble Magazine reported on the upgraded Okhotnik and its roll-out.

In December 2019, the Russian MoD signed a contract with PJSC Sukhoi Company for full-fledged R&D on the SK-70 unmanned strike complex. The contract calls for three flight prototypes (S-70-2 up to S-70-4) and three NPU-70 ground control points to be delivered by 30 November 2022, with state joint tests completed by 30 September 2025.

Although the Okhotnik is a landmark project for the Russian industry and an attempt to stay at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, the Russian industry still heavily relies on numerous contracts for legacy manned aircraft.

Scramble Magazine made a comprehensive overview of the various closed and pending contracts for new-built fixed and rotary wing assets of the Air Force, Naval Aviation and Army Aviation.

Russian Federation - Aerospace Forces (RF VKS) including Army Aviation
RAC MiG order:
42x MiG-29SMT (28 aircraft [model 9.19] in 2009, 14 aircraft [model 9.19R] in 2014)
8x MiG-29UBT (6 aircraft [model 9.53A] in 2009, 2 aircraft [model 9.53R] in 2014)
4x MiG-35S (4 aircraft [model 9.41SR] in 2018, concluded by 2019)
2x MiG-35UB (2 aircraft [model 9.47SR] in 2018, concluded by 2019)
NAZ order:
148x Su-34 (32 aircraft in 2008, 92 aircraft in 2012, 24 aircraft in 2020)
4x SK-70 (3 S-70 UCAS and 3 NPU-70 control points, delivery 2021-2023)
KnAAZ order:
76x Su-34M, signed in 2020, delivery 2022-2027
76x Su-57S, signed in 2019, delivery 2021-2028
20x Su-30M2 (12 aircraft from 2009, 8 aircraft in 2012, concluded by 2016)
22x Su-27SM3 (12 aircraft from 2009, 10 aircraft in 2015, concluded by 2019)
128x Su-35S (48 aircraft in 2009, 50 aircraft in 2015, 30 aircraft in 2020 with delivery 2021-2024)
UZGA order:
20x Diamond DA-42T (35 aircraft in 2013, concluded by 2019, 20x VKS/FSB and 13x civil)
Aviastar-SP order:
27x Il-76MD-90A, signed in 2012, reduced from 39 to 13 aircraft?, 14 aircraft in 2020
10x Il-78M-90A, signed in 2020, delivery 2022-2027
KAZ order:
10x Tu-160M2, signed in 2018, additional 40 aircraft LOI
17x Tu-214, delivery period 2008-2017, including models Tu-214ON/VPU/SR/R/SUS/PU-SBUS (16x SLO and 1x FSB)
VASO order:
2x Il-112V, signed in 2017, additional 27 aircraft as option, 33 aircraft LOI
AAK Progress order:
146x Ka-52 (24 aircraft in 2006, 122 aircraft in 2011, concluded by 2020)
114x (exact number not known) Ka-52M, order signed in 2021
Mil MVZ order:
115x (exact number not known) Mi-28N (2+50 aircraft in 2004, 19 aircraft in 2013, 44-50 aircraft in 2015)
24x Mi-28UB, signed in 2016, additional 36 aircraft as option
100x Mi-28NM (2 aircraft in 2017, 98 aircraft in 2019, delivery 2022-2027)
80x (exact number not known) Mi-35M, signed in 2003, 10 aircraft in 2008, 22 aircraft in 2010, concluded by 2014
4x Mi-35MS, signed in 2010, concluded by 2015 (all FSO)
KVZ order:
4x Mi-38/Mi-38T (2 aircraft in 2017, 2 aircraft in 2020, additional 100 aircraft LOI)
140x Mi-8MTV-5, deliveries started in 2000-2006, concluded by 2019
40x Mi-8MTV-5-1, signed in 2011, concluded by 2020
50x Ansat-U (8 aircraft in 2009, 32 aircraft in 2011, 10 aircraft in 2017)
UUAZ order:
150x (exact number not known) Mi-8AMTSh (40 aircraft in 2007, 40 aircraft in 2013, 60-80 in 2015-2017)
10x Mi-8AMTSh-VN, signed in 2019, delivery 2020-2023
KumAPP order:
36x Ka-226, signed in 2011

Russian Federation - Naval Aviation (AVMF RF)
RAC MiG order:
20x MiG-29K, signed in 2012 [model 9.41R], deliveries concluded by 2015
4x MiG-29KUB, signed in 2012 [model 9.47R], deliveries concluded by 2015
IAZ order:
21x Su-30SM2, signed in 2020, delivery 2022-2024
AAK Progress order:
4x Ka-52K, signed in 2015, additional 28 aircraft as option

RF VKS as well as AVMF RF
IAZ order:
116x Su-30SM, 30 aircraft in 2012, 30 aircraft in 2013, 20 aircraft in 2015, 36 aircraft in 2018 (88x RF VKS and 28x AVMF-RF)
132x Yak-130, 12 aircraft in 2005, 55 aircraft in 2011, 18 aircraft in 2013, 22 aircraft in 2014, 25 aircraft in 2020 (all RF VKS, but some sources indicate 10x for AVMF RF)

Photo by Daniil Popov (via

*) CNA is not an acronym and is correctly referenced as "CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization located in Arlington (VA)."

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