Peru Mi 171 Juan Manuel Temoche 640Crash FAP Mi-171Sh

On 7 December 2021 at 11:52 hrs LT, Mi-171Sh with serial 609 (construction number 171S00604105401U) of the Fuerza Aérea del Perú (FAP, Peruvian Air Force) was lost in an accident, sadly killing all five occupants.

The transport helicopter was flying from Lima to San Ramon with final destination Pucallpa when contact was lost. Although the cause is yet to be determined, there was bad weather on that route also hampering the search and rescue efforts.

The wreckage of this helicopter, operated by Escuadrón de Helicópteros 341 (part of Grupo Aéreo N°3) and based at BA Jorge Chavez (Lima), was found a day later in the vicintiy of San Mateo, Huarochiro province.

According to Scramble Magazine database, the FAP only has three Mi-171Sh helicopters in its inventory, of which one has now been lost.

Photo by Juan Manuel Temoche via

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