Dutch military police receives first DA 62MPP
As announced on 25 January 2025 in the 'Staatscourant', the official publication of the Government of the Netherlands, the Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar, Royal Netherlands Military Police) will receive two Diamond DA 62MPP aircraft.
The KMar will operate D-IAMT DA 62MPP c/n 62.201 call sign Charley 01 and D-IBMT DA 62MPP c/n 62.206 call sign Charley 02. The DA 62MPP (Multi Purpose Platform) is the para military version developed from the Diamond Aircraft DA 62 twin engine, five to seven seater. The DA 62MPP was publicly demonstrated during the Paris Air Show in 2017. The aircraft can be configured to client specifications and purpose.
The aircraft destined for he Netherlands are leased from QinetiQ GmbH and fully equipped for Intelligence,Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) tasks. The DA 62MPP can fly long sorties of more than nine hours. QinetiQ GmbH has ordered two DA 62MPP in Autumn 2021 and both aircraft were delivered in September 2022.
Flying the two Diamonds is acclaimed to be an experimental project for the KMar for a period of three years. The planes will be used for surveillance tasks and flown by former Air Force pilots. They will be operated from military airfields in the Netherlands. The first of the new DA 62MPPs, D-IAMT, arrived at Gilze-Rijen airbase today, 21 February 2025, around noon.
Photo by Marco Materlik via Planespotters.net