Final RoCAF Block 20 20221215 6 6621 ready for airlift 640Final RoCAF Block 20 F-16 to AIDC

On 15 December 2022 at 10:35 hrs LT, Chung-Hua Min Guo Kong Jun (RoCAF, Republic of China Air Force) C-130H Hercules serial 1318 took off from Hualien AFB via runway 03, carrying the fuselage of the final F-16A Block 20 Fighting Falcon serial 6621 to be upgraded by the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) Shalu plant at Taichung/Cingcyuangang airport to the latest F-16V variant.

As Taiwan was the only user of the F-16A/B Block 20, this event marked not only the transfer of the final aircraft, but also the farewell of this Block number in the F-16 family.

Until May 2021, RoCAF F-16A serial 6621 was based at Luke AFB (AZ) with the 21st Fighter Squadron Gamblers ('LF').

After assesment by Lockheed Martin, it was decided that six F-16A/Bs would be sent back to Taiwan for their upgrade earlier than expected. According to information this was because of safety reasons. Early May 2022, a somewhat covert trans-pacific operation was executed to return the fighters to Taiwan.

The aircraft involved were 6604, 6605, 6606, 6607, 6608 and 6621. All arrived at Hualien AFB in the late afternoon of 13 May. After their arrival the aircraft were temporary stored, waiting for their turn to be transported to AIDC. Apart from 6621, the other five already found their way to AIDC. Three (serials 6604, 6605 and 6607) were transported through an airlift and two, serials 6606 and 6608, flew their final sortie to Taichung/Cingcyuangang airport direct after making a local test flight.

Basler cockpit N1350A 560Together with five other former 21st Fighter Squadron F-16A Block 20 Fighting Falcons, 6621 arrived on 13 May 2021 at Hualien AFB. (photo by RCLu)

Basler luik 560On 19 October 2022, 6621 was moved to a hangar for the removal of the vertical stabilizer and landing gear. (Tsungfang Tsai)

But how about 6621? After its arrival in May 2021, the fighter was seldom seen. On 19 May 2021, it was noted inside one of the hangars and on 6 August 2021 it was towed outside with the nose cone removed. Then it disappeared for a longer period till 19 October 2022, when it was moved to the hangar for removal of the vertical stabilizer and landing gear.

Finally, on 14 December a large crane picked up 6621 and placed it on a flatback. The action was performed inside the hangar due to the strong winds at that moment. The same day, after the ground crew had taken their photos, the flatbed was moved into another hangar, waiting for the airlift that would arrive next morning.

Basler cockpit N1350A 560Due to the strong winds, the fuselage of F-16A 6621 was hoisted on the flatbed inside the hangar. (14 December 2022, Tsungfang Tsai)

Basler luik 5606621 on the flatbed waiting for the airlift. (14 December 2022, Tsungfang Tsai)

On 15 December, RoCAF C-130H serial 1318 arrived at 09:30 hrs LT and 6621 was transferred from the flatbed truck inside the Hercules.

This would become the final transfer of an F-16 fuselage of the AIDC Phoenix Rising F-16A/B upgrade programme. According to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and AIDC the upgrade programme of 141 F-16A/B Fighting Falcons will be finished by the end of 2023. Until today, 99 F-16A and F-16B fighters have finished their upgrade and finished their test flights. Aircraft number 100, F-16A 6673, just finished high speed tests on 16 December.

Author/photos (unless otherwise noted) by Tsungfang Tsai

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