Switzerland Hermes 900 UAS Keystone Georgios Kefalas 640First Hermes 900 UAS delivered to Switzerland

The Federal Office of Armaments (armasuisse) announced on Friday 29 April 2022 that the first two Elbit Hermes 900 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) together with two ground control stations, arrived in Switzerland.

The UAS', one known serial is D-11, arrived in the country on 21 April respectively 26 April. Four more system are expected to be delivered by the end of 2023.

The first Hermes 900, programme name ADS15 (parliamentary purchase approval in 2015), has already been assembled and will make its first flight in mid-May. Hand-over to the Schweizer Luftwaffe (Swiss Air Force) is planned for the second half of 2022.

Total costs of the new system are valued at CHF 250 million (USD 256 million). The Hermes 900 UAS will replace the ageing ADS95 Ranger reconnaissance UAS fleet. The ADS95 Ranger UAS was decommissioned in November 2019 after 20 years of use.

The ADS15 Hermes 900 is nine metres long with a wingspan of 17 metres. The UAS can be used both during the day and at night and can detect aircraft, other unmanned aerial systems and missiles. The six aircraft will be used, among other things, to monitor borders, search for missing persons in the mountains or assess a situation after a natural disaster.

The new aircraft will be operated by the Drohnenstaffel 7 (UAS Squadron) at Emmen air base.

Photo by Keystone/Georgios Kefalas

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