Jordan Bell 505 541 C GSOZ nov23 640First RJAF Bell 505 pictures

On 17 November 2023, Scramble Magazine first reported on the delivery of five Bell 505 Jet Ranger X light helicopters to the al-Quwwat al-Jawwiya al-Malakiya al-Urduniya (RJAF, Royal Jordanian Air Force)

Now, the first visual confirmation of this delivery have surfaced and we want to share that with you, of course because they look stunning! The RJAF signed a purchase agreement for ten Bell 505 helicopters on 6 July 2022.

The new addition to the RJAF sports a beautiful deep red with black/white/green striping over the fuselage, representing the colours of the Jordanian flag and RJAF roundel.

The following Bell 505s, including their Canadian test registrations, are confirmed as delivered in November: 540 (c/n 65519, ex C-GHFI), 541 (c/n 65529, ex C-GSOZ), 542 (c/n 65531, ex C-FCUZ), 543 (c/n 65533, ex C-GLZA) and 544 (c/n 655.., ex C-FZEX). 65535, ex C-FZGZ is also a known delivery to Jordan but its RJAF serial is pending confirmation.

The new training helicopters are operated by 5 Squadron, part of the King Hussein Air College at Mafraq where they will replace the Robinson R44-II Raven.

Credit photo: screen shot of Jordan TV YouTube video

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