Former Dutch Chinook in Montana sUSA CH47D 640kies

Registered as N28ES, one of CH-47Ds that Billings Flying Services acquired from the Netherlands returns from a practice flight in Montana skies on an extremely cold morning. It is one of the first ever ex-foreign military Chinooks to carry a civil reg in the USA.

In an earlier post on 12 June 2023, Scramble stated that the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu, Royal Netherlands Air Force) had sold six of their retired Boeing Vertol CH-47D Chinooks to Billings. However the actual number of Chinooks sold is seven! These are the following:

Civil reg. MSN FMS former Dutch serial
N28ES  M3667/NL007  FMS 93-00667 D-667
N124CD M4103/NL010 FMS 93-00670 D-103
N298NL M3661/NL001 FMS 93-00661 D-661
N337MT M4101/NL008 FMS 93-00668 D-101
N406KT M3662/NL002 FMS 93-00662 D-662
N41BK M4102/NL009 FMS 93-00669 D-102
N616BV M4106/NL013 FMS 93-00673 D-106


Photo by Billings Spotter (@BIL_spotter on 'X')

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