USAF MC130J 640Kirtland's Nightstalkers receive final Commando II

The final MC-130J ever produced has joined the 415th Special Operations Squadron Nightstalkers, part of the 58th Special Operations Wing at Kirtland AFB (NM).

The Lockheed Martin MC-130J Commando II, with serial number 22-5994, arrived on Kirtland at 14 January 2025. After rolling off the production line at Lockheed Martin’s Marietta plant late 2024, it then underwent upgrades at the Rapid Development Integration Facility at Wright-Patterson AFB (OH), to officially become a Commando II.

MC-130J 22-5994 was the final aircraft the USAF received from Lockheed Martin, marking the end of a fourteen-year production run. For now, the Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) at Kirtland will spend approximately two weeks inspecting the aircraft to ensure it is ready for students to fly it with the 415th Special Operations Squadron, to use for training flights.

USAF 415th patch 320In addition to creating the necessary paperwork and data, normally each aircraft receives its own maintenance history sheet. 5994 aircraft’s record will begin with the 58th SOW. The new Commando II brings the total number of MC-130Js assigned to Kirtland to eight.

Credit photo: USAF
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