Ukraine Border Guards F WMXM 49 Blue Wim Sonneveld 640More H125s delivered to DPS Ukraine

The Derzhavna Prykordonna Sluzhba Ukrayiny (DPSU, Ukraine Border Guards) has received another batch of helicopters late February. Two Airbus H125 Ecureuils destined for the border guards were delivered via Ljubljana airport (Slovenia) on Monday 27 February 2023. The pair made a short fuel stop here, and weather permitting, have continued their journey into Ukraine.

Although it is hard to keep track of possible deliveries to Ukraine, which may have stalled after the Russian invasion of 24 February last year, new Airbus H125s destined for the Ukraine Border Guards have frequently been seen at Airbus plant in Marseille making test flights.

The helicopters delivered this week were 49 Blue (c/n 9281, with test registration F-WMXM) and 53 Blue (c/n 9253, with test registration F-WHFB). Both were painted in the same distinctive light grey/green colours of previous deliveries, however, their DPSU marking and titles had been taped over, although national colours were clearly visible. Scramble Magazine last reported about a DPSU H125 delivery on 21 December 2021.

The H125s are equipped with an optoelectronic surveillance system, including in infrared mode, that allows monitoring. The thermal imaging camera can detect a vehicle at a distance of up to 20 kilometres. They are also equipped with a warning system with loudspeakers and specialized aircraft searchlights, which can be used synchronously with the system of optoelectronic surveillance.

The Ecureuils are part of an order for 55 Airbus helicopters: 21 H225s, 24 H125s and 10 H145s. From this order all 24 H125s are destined for the DPSU.

Photo by Wim Sonneveld

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