US Osprey trapped on Norwegian island

A USAF Special Operations CV-22 Osprey is stuck in the nature reserve Stongodden on the island of Senja in Troms (Norway).

The aircraft, CV-22B 10-0053, belonging to the 7th Special Operations Squadron ‘Aircommandos’ based at Mildenhall (UK), made an emergency landing there on 12 August 2022.

This emergency landing is one of the events that recently led to the grounding of all CV-22s, on which Scramble reported on 18 August 2022.

Since the event, the Osprey is stuck on the island as repairs onsite are thought to be impossible. Norwegian Authorities have been investigating several options to salvage the plane from the nature reserve, in constant contact with the US Authorities.

Given the vulnerable environment, the recovery activities have to be carefully planned. The Norwegian Armed Forces suggests laying out mats in the terrain to be able to approach the machine without destroying the terrain.

But getting it lifted on to a boat will probably be no easy task, especially when dismantling the aircraft first is not an option. Then the machine will become unbalanced and may tip over. Other aspects to consider are the locally very shallow coast, which makes it very difficult to bring a transport barge nearby and the Norwegian climate. As the weather can change rapidly there is not much room for delay of the operation.

Photo: Norwegian Armed Forces 

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