1Old terminal
The viewing area here had been closed for years but the cafe was still open, offering a good view on the southern apron. Information on the current situation is welcome. A drive between the two terminals has you pass a few preserved aircraft and gives you glimpses of aircraft parked on the military apron. The views are mostly obstructed though.
2Approach 04
From the old terminal, drive southwest towards Velika Mlaka and Zagreb but cross the main road out of Velika Gorica. Find a spot along the road that borders the business area to watch the aircraft on approach for runway 04. Photography is best until early afternoon. Alternatively, park near the main crossroads and proceed via the cycling track along the Zagrebačka Ulina to a position closer to final. This could, however, get you more unwanted attention.
3West side - remote
From spot 2, turn left on the main road to Zagreb. After passing the approach lights and the railway line, turn right into Velika Mlaka. In the vilage, take the first right, then first left and then right again. This road crosses the railway line with a bridge. The bridge will give you an interesting overview of the southern part of the airfield. The light at this spot is best late in the afternoon.
4West side - close
This spot can theoretically be reached from spot 3 via unpaved tracks, but the long way around is better. Drive into Velika Mlaka again and at the main street, turn right towards Mičevec. After this road crosses the railway and before it passes under the A3, turn right onto the track that parallels the motorway. Keep following it, it will bend towards the airport and runs all the way to the fence. Alternatively, follow the directions for spot 5 and from there continue towards the airport perimeter. From here, you have a better view of the aircraft parked on the apron and in between the hangars. This is even a good photo spot late in the afternoon, especialy with runway 04 in use. Beware though, such activities may not be appreciated
5Northwest side
Another relatively remote spot, but therefore also less likely to attract unwanted attention. From the previous spots, continue into Mičevec. Over there, follow the sign to Zagreb but turn right (east) at the roundabout and then right again after some 400m onto the Veliki Bedekovići. This street will cross over the motorway, at which point is the spot - for numbercrunchers only. From here you can read off most of the military hardware on the apron. You will need a telescope or binoculars with 20x or more magnification. This spot is best in the late afternoon for a hit and run. If you feel comfortable you can move towards the fence and enter the track that runs along nearly the entire runway, including the location of spot 4. From there, the action can be watched up close.
6Approach 22 pm
The easiest way to get here is to follow the directions for spot 7 intially, then continue via the main street through Petina and take first left after passing the approach lights. Keep left at the next junction and you will get to the perimeter fence in Mala Kosnica, looking at the beginning of runway 22. When coming from spot 5, pick up the main road in Mičevec again, drive through Velika Kosnica and take second right after passing over the motorway. There are several options to take position between the point you arrive at and the embankment of the motorway. Photography is best from late afternoon onwards. Weather depending, you might even be able to follow the track along the fence from here to where it connects to spots 4 and 5, but this is probably not worth the effort with regard to the risk.
7Approach 22 am
The most direct way to drive here is to use the main access road from the city to the new terminal. After entering the Ul. Rudolfa Fizira, take first right to Mala Kosnica and park near the right turn in the road just after that. Here, you can read off and photograph the landing aircraft. The aircraft are still rather high and this spot is best until early afternoon, with regard to the sun. To get closer or obtain a better side view of the planes, there are several alternatives (including the previous spot).
One option is to not follow the road's right turn but continue straight ahead around and between the houses, until you are in the clear again. The track between the fields is expected to offer a better view. Take care not to hinder any farm traffic. A more daring option is to follow the road into Mala Kosnica until you reach the approach lights and turn left there, onto the service road right along the fence. This continues until past the runway threshold, from where the view and photo options should be great with runway 22 in use. Whether it is wise to go here is a different matter.
8New terminal
We have no reports from the new terminal yet, but so far it seems the only viewing options are behind security.