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Last Validated Oct 2019
City Hyakuri
Position 36°10'54"N 140°24'53"E
Runway(s) 03L/21R, 03R/21L
Elevation 107 ft


Hyakuri has been very popular with 'air fans' from Japan and abroad for a long time, for more than one good reason. This airbase used to be home to all of the JASDF's Phantoms until they were phased out. Nowadays, one squadron of F-2s with additional T-4s remains. Additionally, there is the rescue flight with U-125s and UH-60s.

Since 2010, Hyakuri acts as a dual military/civil airfield, the latter by the name of Ibaraki Airport after the prefecture it lies in. Construction work on the second runway started in 2007 and by spring 2008, it had taken out several spots on the western side of the field. One year later, the new runway was being used while the old one was being refurbished. This put all the runway action breathtakingly close to the fence, a situation that lasted until 2010. Nowadays, civil traffic primarily uses the western runway and military the other one. The civil terminal handles aircraft up to the size of a B767/A300 between 8am and 9pm.


The area around Hyakuri is almost flat and certainly not as heavily populated as the nearby metropolitan area. This makes it possible to reach the airfield perimeter from many sides, which is a good thing with a nearly north-south runway (sun moves through the centreline) and often changing winds. The distance to the runway from most spotting points used to call for lenses of 400mm effective, but with the new runway in use, proximity is more likely to be a 'problem' than distance! Our map shows the new Ibaraki Airport outline.

Getting There

The airfield is just north of the forked lake Kasumigaura in the Ibaraki prefecture. Route 355 follows the lake shore southwest of the base and connects in the west to the Joban Expressway, leading to Tokyo in the south. When coming from Narita Airport, take the Higashi-Kanto Expressway to the northeast (direction Kashima) and exit at Itako to approach the base from the other side. Near Itako take Route 51 to Route 355 in direction Ishioka, or enter Route 50 right away. The latter is a bit smaller but not always slower, and brings you very close to Hyakuri. The drive from Narita takes about an hour and a half. The new civil terminal has its own access road.

Around the Airport


This spot next to a crash gate is opposite the aprons and hangars and therefore good for reading numbers. Especially in the early hours, when dozens of planes are towed out of the hangars and the air is still stable, a score of fifteen JASDF fighters before the flying starts is not unusual. With the new runway in use, this spot is very close to the action and great for photography. Do bring steps, best with three steps. You can park your car and walk along the fence for a good spot. At the cross-roads where the dead-end street begins, a small collection of airframes was dumped, but slowly decayed and eventually disappeared.

2Terminal observation deck

The new terminal features a freely accessible observation deck with a clear view over the field. This should provide excellent looks on the civil operations. For numbercrunching and photography, especially on the eastern runway, the distance is a bit of a problem. Next to the parking lot are two preserved Phantoms.

3Threshold 03L

Surprisingly, as much of the old field roads on the western side of the base as possible were left intact or even restored, after the construction of Ibaraki Airport. These include the access to spot 3, quite an attractive spot for photographers as it is a mere 50m from the beginning of 03L. Steps are needed to shoot over the fence, and of course the military traffic primarily uses the further runway.

4Final 03 am

From the 7-11 at the crossing of Routes 8 and 339 drive east and keep left at the junction (where 8 turns right). The road winds towards a meadow where the approach lights can be seen. There are vending machines and some parking space here and you can walk up the meadow to stand close to the centreline of 03R. An alternative is to drive up the dirt road just a bit further east and park on the hill. From there, landing shots can be made but again with at least 400mm, and careful timing because of trees. The view on the base is almost zero although departing planes can be read off when staying alert.

5Taxiway 03R

Spot 5 should be treated with care, in order not to loose it. To get here, drive on past spot 4 as described. Turn left at the junction next to a factory and then left again. This road ends at a cemetary, where just a few cars can be parked in the verge. Behind that is a meadow, with access to it restricted by a chain. Walk along the edge of the meadow to the second dent in the base fence, which is taken up by a usually ploughed field. On the edge of this field, interesting taxi shots can be made, especially in the morning. It is important to respect the farmers' land and be aware one is on private propterty here!

6Taxiway towers

This amazing spot is on a small piece of privately-owned land, surrounded by the base. It is very close to the eastern taxi track that bends around it, the one used by military traffic. Access is via a small road between fences, starting to the left when facing a crash gate. There are observation platforms and a parking lot, with fees for use. Permission to use can be obtained via the email address hyakurip@gmail.com and the fee is 1500 yen. This spot is excellent for morning photography and one also has a direct view onto the main apron.

7East side

Following the fence near the hangars, you will find several opportunities to look into them and spot planes that have not been pulled outside. Additionally, several Phantoms that had been withdrawn from use could be spotted.

8Main gate

Behind the gate, seven fighters are preserved and largely visible from outside. Guards may query your presence, and possibly forbid photography at the spot. Moving a bit further north, photography is possible from the roadside. This can be interesting as an alternative to landing shots, catching the first wave of the day or an early airliner, taking off in wind from the north. Using a long lens, nice pictures can be made of aircraft just airborne in the morning light.

9Runways 21 am

With winds from the south, this is your morning photo spot for 21L. Larger aircraft on 21R should also be suitable for the cameras. Cars can be parked at the end of a short dead-end road (that used to connect to the other side long ago) and the spot itself is a bit lower than the surrounding terrain but recognisable once you get closer. Again, considerable tele is a must but no steps are required. Departures can be read off but not photographed. Near the spot, new roads are being constructed to access the future airport Techno Park between spots 7 and 8, and probably a new parking lot along the old road under short final.

10Final 21

From this location, one can catch aircraft landing on either runway 21 with favourable light all day. Some 300mm (effective) is what you will want to use for F-4s and F-15s. A small parking lot near the lake can be used, and north of the 339 a hill with concrete stairs serves as a vantage point. The base itself is not visible from here.

11Northern crash gate

During 2009, a very interesting spot re-emerged where the most popular vantage point (at least with the locals) used to be before the big change. A crash gate abeam the northern runway thresholds puts viewers very close to the beginning of the new runway 21. Aircraft taxi directly towards you as they enter the runway. With steps, the photo opportunities are obviously great.

Robbert Snijders proved with this shot that photography was possible from spot 1, even when the construction work made things complicated.

RF-4E Kai departing from 03L, as seen at spot 3. Nowadays, military traffic primarily uses the other runway. (Erik Sleutelberg)


275.800 / 119.500Ground
236.800 / 126.200Tower
362.300 / 120.100Departure
305.700 / 120.100Approach

Based Operators

3 HikotaiF-2A/B
Hyakuri KyunantaiUH-60J


60-8274F-1, at gate
57-6906RF-4E Kai, at gate
04-8197F-86D, at gate
92-7885F-86F, at gate
46-8630F-104J, at gate
29-5175T-2, at gate
51-5629T-33A, at gate
17-8302 F-4EJ Kai, at gate
87-6412RF-4EJ, at Civil Terminal, ex 501 Hikotai
37-8319F-4EJ Kai, at Civil terminal, ex 302 Hikotai

More Info

Ibaraki AirportOfficial website

Other Airfields

Fukuoka (Kasuga)  
Futenma MCAS
Kumamoto - Takayabaru  

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