Last Validated Jul 2014
City Tokyo
Position 35°50'30"N 139°24'36"E
Runway(s) 17/36
Elevation 299 ft


Iruma, one of the major bases of the Japanese air force is located in the outskirts of Tokyo, hidden behind apartment blocks, alleys, railroads etc and it is amazingly easy to miss. How can you expect such an airbase in the middle of a city? Still, if you find the right spots this airfield is a great place to enjoy the action, taking pictures and noting tail numbers. Based here are the Air Defence Headquarters Squadron (Koku Sotai Sireibu Hikotai), the ECM/EW/ELINT units Denshishen Shientai and Denshi Hiko Sokuteitai which operate three very unique aircraft types, the transport squadron 402 Hikotai, the Hiko Tenkentai also known as the flight checkers and finally the Iruma Herikoputa Kuyutai. So, an airbase packed full of very interesting aircraft which are not a regular sight if you are living in Europe or in the US.

Getting There

Navigating through Japan is never easy and it becomes worse when you enter a big town. Besides that traffic is slow, very slow indeed. There is a traffic light on every corner and streets are packed with cars. If you come from Atsugi, about 40 kilometres down south, then please expect a three hours drive at least. Finding the field: Coming from the Ken-Odo Highway which runs east of Iruma or the Kan-Etsu Highway which runs the north of the base, you can take road number 16 which leads you close to the base. Close to the river you will find road number 50 crossing the 16. Take that one in easterly direction. You will now be north of the base, near spot 3.

Around the Airport

1Above the taxitrack

From this spot pictures can be taken at the taxiway leading to the start of runway 17. This spot is ideal for taking pictures in the afternoon as you can position yourself at a point about 5 meters above the taxi track and you have the sun from behind. Spot 1 is located in front of a hospital where you can park your car (and get something to drink or have a lunch). You have to walk right around a small anti-skid training track to get to the fence and find a spot in the small triangular area just south of the skid track. As mentioned you will need a stepladder to take pictures over the fence.

2Runway 35

If you leave spot 1 and follow the road down you will see a company where the vending machines are manufactured on the right and shortly after that you can turn into a small road on the left which leads you to the fence close to where runway 35 starts. Here you should be able to pictures of aircraft lining up or in take-off 17. In the morning it might be a good idea to drive a little further to the east side of runway 35 as you will have the sun in your back then.
You can park a little east of spot 2, and one block south of the fence where there is a little field.

3Runway 17 East Side

If you come from road 16 and turn on the 50 then take the 8th road on your right. Then bear left and you will see a small road which leads you to the runway. Here you will have some good spot to take pictures if you remember to take your stepladder. The grandstand that used to be here is gone and the grassy (and shaded area) where it stood is now fenced off. You can still stay on the small road, though it is narrow. Park along the road but be prepared to move your car if a truck comes along.
You don’t need a big lens to take pictures of aircraft lining up. The number crunchers will appreciate the good overview of the platform, reading many serials there is a piece of cake. Spot can be recognized by a Scramble and AIM sticker as you can see here

4Runway 17 West Side

Also on the other side of the runway you will find some spots to take pictures. This spot is better in the afternoon. Logging numbers here is limited to what flies by. The fence is high but modest steps will enable you to shoot photos of the aircraft on final.

5Preserved aircraft park

From here you can have a look at five preserved aircraft on display in a little park just behind the main gate.

Frank Noort

Spot 1 is the place to be at Iruma, The aircraft will taxi right in front of you. (October 2002, Frank Noort)

Erik Sleutelberg

Very nice landing shots can be made at spot 4. This place is limited for reading the serial numbers. (Erik Sleutelberg)

Based Operators

402 HikotaiC-1
Hiko TenkentaiU-125
Shireibu Shien HikotaiT-4
Denshishen ShientaiEC-1
Denshi Hiko SokuteitaiRC-2
Iruma Herikoputa KūyutaiCH-47J

Other Airfields

Fukuoka (Kasuga)  
Futenma MCAS
Kumamoto - Takayabaru  

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