Pie de la Cuesta

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Last Validated Dec 2006
City Pie de la Cuesta, Gro.
Position 16°54'37"N 099°59'19"W
Runway(s) 10/28
Elevation 20ft


Base Aerea Militar 7 Pie de la Cuesta is located at the Pacific coast of Mexico, about ten kilometers west of the well-known resort town of Acapulco.


The base is situated on an isthmus, separating the lagoon from the Pacific Ocean. The north side of the airfield is fenced off by a wall, hangars and platforms can be found on the south side, which borders the ocean.

Getting There

From Acapulco, take road 200 west to Tecpan de Galeana and Petatlán. This road bends to the right around the lagoon before entering the village of Pie de la Cuesta. Instead head straight into the village and turn right following the signs to BAM 7.

Around the Airport

1Opposite main gate

Coming from the village, you will find the main gate on your left. Opposite the main gate is a small parking lot with a flowerbed. If you stay on the right, you are invisible from the main gate and can easily view aircraft on finals for runway 28.

2North side runway 28

After passing the 28 threshold, there's a dirt road on your right. Turn right here and park your car between the trees. Continue by feet to the lagoon and enjoy your view. This spot is not suitable for photography because of the backlight.


From spot 2, continue on the road parallel to the runway. Unfortunately, your views are hindered by the wall. On your right a few posts exist of about one feet high. By climbing these you can take a peek on the aprons. Try a few spots along the road to read off all the aircraft parked. Just hit and go.

4Footbridge & parking lot

Continue your way along the wall from spot 3. After the wall ends, there is a footbridge connecting two sides of a resort. Park your car on the right just before the footbridge and climb the footbridge, which gives a nice overview of the 10 approach. Alternatively, stay in your car on the parking lot to watch the flying activities, or better, book an apartment...


After climbing the footbridge, continue walking through the resort, towards the pool, you will find the beach behind it. From here, head left towards the base fence as far as you feel comfortable. Spread your towel and enjoy the views of the 10 approach from the southside. Do not forget your camera.

Based Operators

EA.102Bell 206B-3, Bell 212


'917'T-28A, near gate
Airliners.netAn aerial view of Pie de la Cuesta airfield

Other Airfields

Acapulco - Gen. Juan N. Alvarez Intl  
Cancun Intl  
Cozumel Intl  
Mexico City - Lic. Benito Juarez Intl
Oaxaca - Xoxocotlán Intl  
Pie de la Cuesta  
Playa del Carmen - Jorge Chavez
Saliña Cruz
Santa Lucia  

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