Hualien (Karenka North)

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City Hualien
Position 24°01'23"N 121°37'04"E
Runway(s) 03L/21R, 03R/21L
Elevation 52ft


This base is home to a wing of ROCAF F-16s (5th TFW), the recce F-5Es a number of ROCN helicopters and acts as a civil airport. Civil activity concentrates on domestic travel. The base offers great photo and numbercrunching spots and is worth a visit! Being visited relatively frequently by aviation enthusiasts the security situation is monitored on a constant basis.


The lay out is extremely remarkable. The main base (and civil airport) is located on the eastern side with one 03-21 runway and a small 'helicopter runway' with the same heading. The major ROCAF activity is located on the eastern side of the runway although some shelters are also located on the other side of the runway. The Navy choppers are located just north of the civil terminal.

Located to the west of the main base is another one. This base, enquiped with a runway with the same heading, is used only for exercises and offers parking spots for the aircraft inside the mountains. Both runways (or bases in fact) are linked by a long straight taxitrack.

Getting There

Getting there is pretty easy. The base is situated in the northern side of the city of Hualien. Being on the east coast of Taiwan you will probalbly be travelling road number 9 (running along the small eastern coast line). When entering the city the civil airport is sign posted clearly.

Around the Airport


On top of the Carrefour Hualien there is a parking lot that offers very nice opportunities. Both reading the numbers and photography is very nice from here! You have a good view of the complete base and are able to monitor all activities (either which way they fly). Being a good spot this parking lot is also known to local police. The police visit this spot on a regular basis to check on the 'audience' (CCTV cameras are installed). Since photograhpy is not allowed you should take care here. Numbercrunchers (acting as regular aviation enthusiasts) were normally only checked and left to do their business. More recently all people have been sent away though. To get here just focus on the Carrefour logo and follow the directions to this store.

2Along the river

This spot is an alternative for spot 1. If you locate yourself along the river you will probably not be hassled by the police and left alone. This spot is OK for photography and reading your numbers but your view of the base is very limited. To get here you pass the Carrefour and turn left, and right at the end. At a certain moment you can turn left again and are heading for an underpass of the connecting taxi-track. After you pass this you can turn left onto a larger road and position yourself to your liking. You will probably need one or two aircraft as a reference.

3Runway 21

When runway 21 is in use you can position yourself very near to the water. Both photography and reading are options from here. To get here from spot 1 enter the main road again heading south. Just after passing the base perimeter turn left onto Huashi Road. This road runs along the base perimeter. Keep following this perimeter until you end up near the runway appraoch lighting.


An additional spot for extra numbers. From a spot near a children's playground you can peek inside the shelters that are located near to the perimeter wall and read the tail numbers. The same goes for the ones parked outside their shelters across the runway.

5Civil terminal

Near the civil terminal you have an option to read some of the Navy S-70s. Just after passing circling the road underneath the terminal building you'll see the Navy-gate. Just after heading for the main road again you can sometimes read some of the helo's in their sheds.

6Parallel runway

When the other runway is in use you can position yourself very near to it. The view is very good and both photography and reading are easy and self-explanatory. To get here turn left on the last but one major road crossing after you have left the terminal spot. You will end up near the runway automatically. The authorities are not to keen on people watching the activities when this runway is in use though so you might be visited very soon after you arrive!

7Parallel runway 03

Another option to visit when the parallel runway is in use is the approach of runway 03. This spot is very nice for photography since the mountains in the back are visible on the shots. You can get here by eiter underpassing the taxi track from spot 6 or following the directions to spot 2 and turning right twice.

Shot from spot 1 when runway 21 is in use. (Ronald Stevelink)

Shot from nr spot 7 while the parallel runway is in use. (Ronald Stevelink)



Based Operators

4th TRSRF-5E
12th TRSRF-16A
17th TFGF-16A
26th TFGF-16A
27th TFGF-16A


1106/21275An F-5B marked as '1101/21275' is preserved at the gate
5185/50358Next to the F-5B is this F-5E also preserved (or in Heritage Park by 2013?)
5654/41499This RF-101 is preserved in the Heritage Park
0752/70-3052CH-1 preserved in the Heritage Park
F-86053/55030F-86F preserved in the Heritage Park
4375/63-13254F-104G preserved in the Heritage Park

More Info

Hualien AirportThe official website for the civil airport

Other Airfields

Hualien (Karenka North)  
Taipei - Songshan  

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