Base Marambio, Ant. (SAWB)

RWY 06/24     POS 64°14'18"S 056°37'51"W     ELEV 760 ft

Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas (EMCFFAA)
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Base Marambio
No based aircraft can be found on this Antarctic base. However, regular detachments in support of the Arctic operations operate to and from here.
Base Matienzo, Ant. (SAWZ)

RWY 06/24     POS 64°14'30"S 056°37'85"W     ELEV 760 ft

Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas (EMCFFAA)
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Base Matienzo
No based aircraft can be found on this Antarctic base. However, regular detachments in support of the Arctic operations operate to and from here.
Comodoro Rivadavia/Gral. Mosconi, Cht (SAVC)

RWY 07/25     POS 45°47'07"S 067°27'56"W     ELEV 190 ft

IX Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo de Transporte 9
VI Escuadrón Aéreo de Transporte Saab 340B

The Escuela de Aviación Militar has used the T-34 Mentor for many years, but these are superseded by brand new Grob 120TP. This vastly enhances and streamlines FAA's training curriculum.

Patrick van Stiphout

The FAA uses the DHC-6 for various task, for example on Arctic duties. In total 12 airframes were received, about half of them as attrition replacement.

Santiago Rivas

Córdoba/Cap. D. Omar Dario Gelardi, Cba (SACA)

RWY 17/35     POS 31°26'31"S 064°15'29"W     ELEV 1594 ft

Brigada / Command
Subjefe del Estado Mayor General
Dirección Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Dirección General de Investigación y Desarollo
Centro de Ensayos en Vuelo (CEV) Beech 45
IA-58H Pucará Fénix
IA-58D Pucará
IA-63 Pampa III
Plan is to upgrade 4-5 IA-58D to IA-58H Fénix standard and return them into service.
Córdoba/Escuela de Aviaçion Militar, Cba (SACE)

RWY 01/19, 07/25     POS 31°26'41"S 064°16'59"W     ELEV 1647 ft

Escuela de Aviación Militar
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aérea Escuela
Escuadrón Tecnam Tecnam P2002JF

Escuadrón Grob Grob 120TP

Escuadrón Texan T-6C+

Escuadrón Convencionales Bell 412EP

Escuadrilla de Volovelismo Janus
L-23 Super Blanik
Super Astir
Twin Astir

Grupo Aérea Escuela AB180VR
Escuela de Suboficiales
Aeronaves de Instrucción 2x IA-50GII
1x Mirage IIIC
1x IA-58A Pucará
1x Hiller SL-4
1x Canberra Mk.62
1x Cessna 320

Elementary training begins on the Technam at Córdoba

Santiago Rivas

After graduating on the Technam and Grob trainers, students will continue their education on the T-6.

Santiago Rivas

El Palomar, BA (SADP)

RWY 16/34     POS 34°36'36"S 058°36'45"W     ELEV 59 ft

I Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 1
I Escuadrón C-130H

II Escuadrón ERJ140LR
Saab 340B

Agrupación Aérea Presidencial B737-500
Officially, the aircraft of the Presidential Flight are owned and controlled by the Casa Militar of the Presidencia de la Nación. However, for practical reasons the fixed wing aircraft are operated and maintained by I BA whereas the helicopters are maintained by the Polciia Federal.

The Hercules fleet is based at El Palomar near Buenos Aires. Here is one seen a lot further south at Antarctica

Santiago Rivas

Argentina has been a loyal user of Fokker aircraft of various marks since 1968. In fact the FAA still uses the F-28 models.

Patrick van Stiphout

Gobernador Gordillo, LR (SACT)
Dirección General de Investigación y Desarollo
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Centro de Experimentación y Lanzamiento de Proyectiles Autopropulsados (CELPA)
Escuadrón SANT Vigía 2A (Class II UAV)

+ several Class I UAVs:
Lipán M3
SANT = Sistema Aéreo No Tripulado (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - UAV)
Jose C. Paz/Dr. Mariano Moreno, BA (SADJ)

RWY 16/34     POS 34°33'38"S 058°47'22"W     ELEV 105 ft

VII Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 7
I Escuadrón Búsqueda y Salvamento Bell 212
Bell 412EP

II Escuadrón Táctico (R)H500D

IV Escuadrón H369HM
One Bell 212 is at Cyprus for UNFICYP.

Bell 412s and H500's are based at Jose C. Paz/Dr. Mariano Moreno

Patrick van Stiphout

Some Mi-171 were used for arctic duties but have left for Ukraine.

Santiago Rivas

Mendoza/El Plumerillo, Mza (SAME)

RWY 18/36     POS 32°49'54"S 068°47'34"W     ELEV 2311 ft

IV Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 4 de Caza-Caza Bombardeo (C.B.2)
I Escuadrón de Caza-Bombardeo IA-63 Pampa II

III Escuadrón de Búsqueda y Rescate y Tareas Especiales Bell 407GXi

Escuadrón III Ce182
TC-12B (o/o)

.. Escuadrón TC-12B
The first two squadrons give a tactical wepaons course together, the Curso de Estandarización de Procedimientos para Aviadores de Combate (CEPAC). The Escuadrón Sukhoi also inlcudes the Escuadrilla acrobática "Cruz del Sur" demo team.

Quite an oldie, but still being used: The SA315 Lama because of its capacity to fly high in the mountains

Santiago Rivas

The IA63 Pampa is the indigenously developed and manufactured advanced trainer and light attack aircraft. Upgraded to Pampa II and III standard, it has replaced the MS760 in FAA service.

Patrick van Stiphout

Moron, BA (SADM)

RWY 01/19     POS 34°40'35"S 058°38'34"W     ELEV 95 ft

Instituto Nacional de Aviacion Civil
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo BAM Morón
I Escuadrón CeA182J

IV Escuadrón Chincul Pawnee two seaters
Nicosia (RAF) (Cyprus) (LCRR)
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
ARGAIR Bell 212 (1)
RH500D (2)
Parana/Gral. Urquiza, ER (SAAP)

RWY 01/19     POS 31°47'41"S 060°28'49"W     ELEV 243 ft

II Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 2
II Escuadrón Aerofotográfico Lj35A

Curso de Estandarización para Aviadores de Transporte (CEPAT) TC-12B

Escuadrón Convencionales Ce182

Escuadrón SANT to be formed, flying UAVs
The Lj60 is operated on behalf of the AAP.
SANT = Sistema Aéreo No Tripulado (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - UAV)

II Escuadrón at El Palomar is flying the Saab 340

Santiago Rivas

This Learjet is part of the photo survey squadron of the 2nd brigade.

Santiago Rivas

Quilmes, BA (SADQ)

RWY 18/36 (grass)     POS 34°42'21"S 058°14'41"W     ELEV 3 ft

Brigada / Command
Subjefe del Estado Mayor General
Dirección Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Dirección General de Investigación y Desarollo
Área Material Quilmes Maintenance of:

Cessna types

Instructional Airframes:

Beech 45
Meteor F4
EEST N°7 TRQ is a technical school co-loacted at Quilmes but does not belong to AM Quilmes nor the FAA.
Reconquista, SF (SATR)

RWY 01/19, 10/28     POS 29°12'37"S 059°41'27"W     ELEV 161 ft

III Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 3 de Ataque
Escuadrón Operativo II Tucano EMB-312A

Escuadrón Convencionales Bell 412EP

After the withdrawal of the Mirages, the Fightinghawk is the prime combat aircraft.

Patrick van Stiphout

The EMB312s of the FAA changed their serials from E-xxx to A-xxx. Here the A-130

Patrick van Stiphout

Rio Cuarto/Area de Material, Cba (SAOC)

RWY 05/23, 18/36     POS 33°05'06"S 064°15'41"W     ELEV 1381 ft

Brigada / Command
Subjefe del Estado Mayor General
Dirección Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Dirección General de Investigación y Desarollo
Centro de Ensayos de Armamentos y Sistemas Operativos (CEASO) aircraft and system testing
Dirección General de Material
AM Rio Cuarto (AMACUAR) Maintenance of:

Rio Gallegos, SC (SAWG)

RWY 07/25     POS 51°36'32"S 069°18'45"W     ELEV 61 ft

X Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 10 de Caza
Escuadrón X IA-63 Pampa III

Tandil, BA (SAZT)

RWY 01/19     POS 37°14'15"S 059°13'41"W     ELEV 574 ft

VI Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 6 de Caza
IA-63 Pampa II
IA-63 Pampa III
F-16AM/BM (o/o)

Escuadrón Convencionales Bell 412EP
The former Danish F-16AM/BM will equip Grupo 6, the first are expected in 2025.
Villa Reynolds, SL (SAOR)

RWY 06/24, 10/28     POS 33°43'48"S 065°23'15"W     ELEV 1591 ft

V Brigada Aérea
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo 5 de Caza
I Escuadrón (O)A-4AR

Escuadrón Convencionales Bell 412EP

Escuadrón SANTC to be formed, flying armed UCAVs
SANTC = Sistema Aéreo No Tripulado de Combate (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle - UCAV)

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