Beauvechain (EBBE)

RWY 04/22     POS 50°45'31"N 004°46'06"E     ELEV 370ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Competence Center Air/CC Air

5sq SF260D
Faucon Égyptien/
Egyptische Valk

9sq SF260D
Cocotte verte/
Groene Cocotte
1 Wing

17sq (MRH) A109BA Griffon /

18sq (MRH) NH90-TTH Arès-Leonidas

15sq (OCTU) A109BA

255 Maintenance Group/Test Flight Service A109BA
Air Cadets

Air Cadets L-21B

One of the oldest but still very active aircraft of the Belgian Air Force are the Siai-Marchetti SF.260 which were delivered between 1969 and 1971. As can be read on this article in Scramble news, the air force is looking for a a replacement aircraft but no plans are revealed just yet.

(Beauvechain, December 2021, Mischa Siebeling)

In June 2020, Scramble Magazine reported on the rumours indicating that the Belgian Air Force was planning to early retire the four NH90-TTH helicopters because of the high operating cost and limited deployability. In January 2020 the Belgian Minister of Defence announced plans to replace them with new types. The exact helicopter type which will replace the NH-90 has not been announced yet.

(Kleine Brogel Sept 2014, Niels Quist)

Bertrix/Jehonville (EBBX)

RWY 06/24     POS 49°53'30"N 005°13'26"E     ELEV 1514 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Air Cadets

EBBX squadron various gliders
Summercamps during summer holidays.
The Air Cadets can normally be found here, attending a summercamp, from April until September.
Brussels/Melsbroek (EBMB)

RWY 01/19, 07L/25R, 07R/25L     POS 50°54'08"N 004°29'55"E     ELEV 184ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
15 Wing

20sq (Flight Tactical Transport) A400M (including one a/c from the Luxembourg Air Force) Sioux Bleu/
Blauwe Sioux

21sq (Flight Liaison & Long Haul) Falcon 7X Sioux Rouge/
Rode Sioux

Federale Politie/ Federal Police Ce182Q/R

To replace the ageing C-130 Hercules, Eight Airbus A400Ms were ordered with Airbus Defence and Space. The first aircraft, serial CT01 is owned by Luxembourg and is painted in Luxembourg Armed Forces colours and was delivered on 7 October 2020. It is operated by the 15th Wing at Melsbroek. The first Belgian A400M, serial CT02, was delivered on 22 December 2020. The last aircraft, the CT08, is expected to be delivered in January 2024.

(Brussel-Zaventem, July 2021, Frank Noort)

After a short period of flying with no titles, Falcon 7X OO-LUM and OO-FAE wear Belgian Air Force titels and the 21 squadron badge. They retain their civil registration though.

(Ursel, 9 Juli 2022, Niels de Ceuster)

Florennes (EBFS)

RWY 08L/26R, 08R/26L     POS 50°14'37"N 004°38'55"E     ELEV 935ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
2 Wing

1sq F-16AM
F-35A (o/o)
First F-35A will arrive by the end of 2025

350sq F-16AM
Air Cadets

EBFS squadron Various gliders
The Air Cadets can normally be found here, attending a summercamp, from April until September.

Six Piper Super Cubs arrived in 1975 when they were taken over from the Royal Netherlands Air Force. However in 2002, the remaining five Cubs received a substantial upgrade when almost everything was replaced like wings, airframe and motor, practically making it new airplanes. The five Super Cubs still are active and flown by the Belgian Air Force.

(Kleine Brogel, Toon Cox)

The first four Belgian F-35As will be delivered to Luke AFB (AZ), the remaining thirty aircraft will be based at Kleine Brogel and Florennes air bases. However, the latter will not see the first aircraft arriving before April 2025 and Kleine Brogel will have to wait until 2027.

(Fort Worth, 14 May 2024, Victoria Fontana)

Kleine Brogel (EBBL)

RWY 05/23     POS 51°10'04"N 005°28'15"E     ELEV 200ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
10 Wing

31sq F-16AM

349sq F-16AM


The Belgian have plans to buy eighteen new helicopters as a replacement for the NH90-TTH medium-sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter and the Agusta A109 lightweight, twin-engine, multi-purpose helicopter. The eighteen helicopters are to be divided in fourteen light helicopters and four heavier ones, together capable of transporting a combat company of one hundred men. Meanwhile, the A109s operate out of Beauvechain air base

(Beauvechain, December 2021, Frank Noort)

The first of 160 F-16’s for Belgian Air Force were delivered in 1979. The Fighting Falcon has been serving the Belgian Air Force quite well for years although the number of operational aircraft was reduced over the number of years. Nowadays 54 F-16’s are still operational, divided over the airbases Kleine Brogel and Florennes. 34 F-35’s have been ordered to replace the Falcon in the future.

(Volkel, February 2022, Mischa Siebeling)

Koksijde (EBFN)

RWY 11/29     POS 51°05'25"N 002°39'11"E     ELEV 20ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

40sq NH90-NFH

Unlike it’s Air Force brother, the naval variant of the NH90, the NH90 NFH is quite successful. Four operate out of Koksijde airbase but will be moved to Oostende in the future. Here the RN-02 was photographed after the SAR meet of 2021 when the rainclouds were forming and rainbows appeared.

(Koksijde, September 2021, Frank Noort)

The Belgian Air Cadets own 26 gliders of various types. Grob102 Astir, Grob 103 and Grob 103A Twin Astir, Glaser-Dirks DG-300 and DG-505 can be found at various places in Belgium in the summer to educate and train young people between 15 and 19 years old in the art of flying. Grob 102 PL71 is seen here at Weelde.

(Weelde, September 2020, Oscar Vis)

Luke AFB (AZ) (United States of America) (KLUF)

RWY 03L/21R, 03R/21L     POS 33°32'06"N 112°22'59"W     ELEV 1090 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
56th FW

312th FS F-35A Scorpions
Weelde (EBWE)

RWY 07/25     POS 51°23'42"N 004°57'38"E     ELEV 105ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Air Cadets

EBWE squadron various gliders.
Summercamps during summer holidays.
The Air Cadets can normally be found here, attending a summercamp, from April until September.

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