The Adir Division consisting of 116, 117 and 140 Squadrons is based at Nevatim AB. Seen here is F-35I Adir from 117 'First Jet' Squadron. 117 Squadron has 2 F-35I on loan from 116 and 140 Squadron. Finally 117 Tayeset will be fully equipped with F-35I.

Shay Finkelman

The F-35I Adir has proved its capability during a bombing raid on Iranian Quds Force convoy in Syria in February 2020. Seen here is an F-35I Adir from 140 Tayeset during the landing.

Shay Finkelman

Overview of Israeli Air Force tail arts.


Fiq (LLFK)

Bacha 30
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
RPV Division
147 Tayeset
147 טייסת
Hermes 900 Kochav

166 Tayeset
166 טייסת
Hermes 900 Kochav
Haifa (LLHA)
Bacha 21

RWY 16/34     POS 32°48'30"N 035°02'34"E     ELEV 28ft

Bacha 21
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
IAF Technical School
Haifa houses the Technical School and uses many different airplanes, retired or active.

For longrange missions the IAF can rely on 69 'The Hammers' Sqn flying F-15I Ra'am aircraft from Hatzerim AB. Seen here is Ra'am 269 landing at Nellis AFB during 'Red Flag'.

Stephan de Bruijn

For advanced training duties the IAF is flying the M346i Lavi within 102 'The Flying Tiger' Sqn at Hatzerim. 102 Sqn is part of the IAF Academy.

Dino van Doorn

Hatzerim (LLHB)
Bacha 6

RWY 10L/28R, 10R/28L     POS 31°14'00"N 034°39'45"E     ELEV 725

Bacha 6
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
IAF Flight School (Bist 12)
FS/Selection Squadron
טייסת מיון
Grob G120A-1 Snunit

FS/Initial Combat Training/Navigation Squadron
טייסת אימון ראשוני
T-6A Efroni

FS/Flight Instructor/Training Squadron
טייסת אימון מדריכי
T-6A Efroni

FS/Advanced Transport Training Squadron
טייסת אימון מתקדם
Beech B200 Zufit (100sq)

FS/Initial Helicopter Training Squadron
טייסת אימון ראשוני מסוקים
AW119M Ofer

FS/Advanced Helicopter Squadron
טייסת אימון מתקדם מסוקים
S-70A-50 Yanshuf 3 (123sq)
S-70A-55 Yanshuf 3 (123sq)
UH-60A Yanshuf 3 (123sq)
IAF Flight School (Bist 12)
Ha Tzannat Ha'Verobti
הצוות האווירובטי
Aerobatic Team
Aerobatic Team
Ha Tzannat Ha'Verobti
T-6A Efroni
Ra'am Division
69 Tayeset
69 טייסת
The Hammers Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Patishim
F-15I Ra'am
IAF Flight School (Bist 12)
102 Tayeset
102 טייסת
The Flying Tigers Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Namer Ha'Meofeef
M346i Lavi
Sufa Division
107 Tayeset
107 טייסת
Knights of the Orange Tail Squadron
Tayeset Abiri Ha'Zanav Ha'Katom
F-16I Sufa
The AW119M Ofer was delivered in 2024 as replacement for the OH-58 Saifan.

The premier fighting unit of the IAF, the 101 'The First Fighter' Sqn, is operating the F-16C/D Barak from Ramat David. In 2021 this unit moved together with 105 Tayeset from Hatzor to north Isreal.

Jonathan Verschuuren (Nörvenich, Aug 2020)

Many variants of the Beech 200 are operating in 100 'The Flying Camel' Sqn at Hatzor. The Beech 200 variants are called Zufit 1-5 while the RC-12 variant are called Kookiyah. Four Zufit-1 and five Zufit-2 aircraft are used for transport, five Zufit-3 are used for IMINT duties while three Zufit-4 are used for maritime patrol. The latter is shown here. The last five Zufit-5 are again used for transport, including two for VIP transport in a white colourscheme, but also for multi-engine training. Five RC-12D and two RC-12K aircraft are used for EW, ELINT, SIGINT and Combat Support duties.


Hatzor (LLHS)
Kanaf 4

RWY 05/23, 11L/29R, 11R/29L.     POS 31°45'45"N 034°43'37"E     ELEV 148ft

Kanaf 4
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Transport Division
100 Tayeset
100 טייסת
The Flying Camel Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Kamal Ha'Meofeef
Beech B200 Zufit 1
Beech B200T Zufit 2
Beech B200T Zufit 4
Beech B200T Zufit 5
Beech B200CT Zufit 3
Raytheon A36 Chofit
Storm Clouds Division
144 Tayeset
144 טייסת
The Phoenix Squadron
Tayeset Aof Hakhol
Orbiter 4 Nitzotz
RPV Division
200 Tayeset
200 טייסת
The First UAV Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Matzaliytim Ha'Rishona
Heron Shoval
144 Tayeset was reactivated on August 8, 2022 at Hatzor.
200 Tayeset started to operate from Hatzor AB from January 31, 2023.

The C-130J Shimshon is operating in the IAF within 103 'The Elephant' Sqn at Nevatim AB. Together with 131 'The Knights of the Yellow Bird' Sqn (C-130H Karnaf) these units are the backbone of the Tactical Transport Division.

Jim Walg

The IAF operates the Nachson aircraft in three types in 122 'The Nachson' Sqn at Nevatim AB. Three Nachson Shavits are being used for SIGINT missions. Seen here is one of the four Nachson Eitans being used as AEW.

Jonathan Verschuuren (Nörvenich, Aug 2020)

Nevatim (LLNV)
Bacha 28

RWY 07/25, 08L/26R, 08R/26L.     POS 31°12'30"N 035°00'44"E     ELEV 1330ft

Bacha 28
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Tactical Transport Division
103 Tayeset
103 טייסת
The Elephants Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Filim
IC-130J-30 Shimshon

120 Tayeset
120 טייסת
The Desert Giants Squadron
Tayeset Anaki Ha'Midbar
B707 Phalcon
KC707 Re'em

(15 KC-46 'Pegasus' tankers are on order, the first KC-46s will be delivered in 2025)

122 Tayeset
122 טייסת
The Nachshon Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Nachson
G550 Nachshon Eitam (SIGINT)
G-V Nachshon Shavit (AEW)
G550 Nachshon Oron (SIGINT)

131 Tayeset
131 טייסת
The Knights of the Yellow Bird Squadron
Tayeset Abiri Ha'Tzipor Ha'Tzhahov
C-130HI Karnaf
KC-130HI Karnaf

All 'Rhinos' are upgraded to C-130HI, including an improvement of electronic equipment.
Adir Division
116 Tayeset
116 טייסת
The Southern Lions Squadron
Tayeset Aryeh Ha'Darom
F-35I Adir

117 Tayeset
117 טייסת
The First Jet Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Silon Ha'Rishona
F-35I Adir (from 140 and 116 Sq)

140 Tayeset
140 טייסת
The Golden Eagle Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Nesher Ha'Zahav
F-35I Adir

Since August 1994 the IAF operates two squadrons (123 and 124 Sqn) flying UH-60A/L and S-70 Yanshuf from Palmachim AB. Both units were involved in military missions of the Israeli Defence Force.


The first AW119M Ofer delivered in May 2024 to the Flying Training School at Hatzerim. A total of 12 AW119Ms will be delivered to replace the OH-58 Saifan.


Ovda (LLOV)
Bacha 10

RWY 02L/20R, 02R/20L, 11/29     POS 29°56'25"N 034°56'09"E     ELEV 1492ft

Bacha 10
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Jet Fighter Division
115 Tayeset
115 טייסת
The Flying Dragon Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Drakon Ha'Meofeef
F-16C Barak (wfu july,16th 2024)
115th Squadron said goodbye to the F-16C at July, 16th, 2024 at Ovda air base.

Ovda has also a storage area with A-4E, A-4H, A-4N, F-4E, Kfir C7, F-15A, CH-53, H500MD/TOW, AH-1 and Tzukit.
Palmachim (--)
Bacha 30

RWY 03L/21R, 03R/21, 13/31     POS 31°53'52"N 034°41'27"E     ELEV 98ft

Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Heil Ayam
חיל הים

Israeli Navy
Gasi Unit

The First to Sea Heron Shoval (on loan from 200 Sq)
Helicopter Division
123 Tayeset
123 טייסת
The Desert Birds Squadron
Tayeset Tziporey Ha'Midbar
S-70A-50 Yanshuf 3
S-70A-55 Yanshuf 3
UH-60A Yanshuf 3

124 Tayeset
124 טייסת
The Rolling Sword Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Kheref Ha'Mithafeketh
S-70A-50 Yanshuf 3
S-70A-55 Yanshuf 3
RPV Division
147 Tayeset
147 טייסת
The Goring Ram Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Ayeel Ha'Nogakh
Hermes 900 Kochav

161 Tayeset
161 טייסת
The Black Snake Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Nakhash Ha'Shakhor
Hermes 450 Zik
(In Jan 21, also the Zik from 166 Sqn were merged into 161 Sqn)

166 Tayeset
166 טייסת
The Firebird Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Tzipor Ha'Esh
Hermes 900 Kochav
124sq has regular detachments at Betzet and Haifa (LLHA).

The Jet Fighter Division operates from Ramat David AB. Three squadrons (101, 105 and 109 Sqn) are based here. Seen here is F-16D 676 from 105 'The Scorpion' Sqn, since August 2021 flying from Ramat David AB.

Erik Sleutelberg (Nörvenich, Aug 2020)

The Israeli AF operates four AS565MA Atalef helicopters in 193 Sqn on behalf of the Israeli Navy from Ramat David AB. In 2022 the helicopters will be replaced by SH-60F Seahawk helicopters and probably based at Palmachim AB.

Hans Rolink

Ramat David (LLRD)
Kanaf 1

RWY 09/27, 11/29, 15/33     POS 32°39'38"N 035°10'05"E     ELEV 185ft

Kanaf 1
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Jet Fighter Division
101 Tayeset
101 טייסת
The First Fighter Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Krav Ha Rishona
F-16C-40-CF Barak

105 Tayeset
105 טייסת
The Scorpion Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Akrav
F-16D-40-CF Barak

109 Tayeset
109 טייסת
The Valley Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Amek
F-16D-30-CF Barak
F-16D-40-CF Barak
Helicopter Division
193 Tayeset
193 טייסת
Defenders of the West Squadron
Tayeset Magini Ha Ma'arav
AS565MA Atalef
(Will be replaced by SH-60F Seahawks in 2022 and will move to Palmachim AB)
193 Squadron will move to Palmachim in the near future.

The Israeli AF operates two types of Apache attack helicopters in two squadrons. The 113 Hornet Squadron operates the AH-64D Longbow 'Saraf' and the 190 'Magic Touch' operates the AH-64A Peten from Ramon AB. Both units have been actively used in operations in Gaza and Lebanon. Seen here is AH-64D 736 from 113 Sqn.

Hans Rolink

The IAF operates a Sufa Division consisting of four squadrons (107, 119, 201, 253) flying with F-16I Sufa. The F-16I is based on the F-16D but heavily modified with Israeli-designed systems. The IAF Sufas are based at Ramon AB and Hatzerim AB. Seen here is F-16I Sufa of 253 'The Negev' Squadron, landing at Ramon AB.


Ramon (LLRM)
Kanaf 25

RWY 07L/25R, 07R/25L     POS 30°46'34"N 034°40'00"E     ELEV 2126ft

Kanaf 25
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Helicopter Division
113 Tayeset
113 טייסת
The Hornet Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Tsira
AH-64D Saraf

190 Tayeset
190 טייסת
The Magic Touch Squadron
Tayeset Magah Ha'Kasem
AH-64A Peten
Sufa Division
119 Tayeset
119 טייסת
The Bat Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Atalef
F-16I Sufa

201 Tayeset
201 טייסת
The One Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Ahat
F-16I Sufa

253 Tayeset
253 טייסת
The Negev Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Negev
F-16I Sufa

For longrange attack or reconnaissance duties, 200 Squadron operates the Heron Shoval from Hatzor airbase. The Heron Shoval is being used for the Israeli Air Force, but also for the Israeli Navy.


The RPV Division of the Israeli Air Force operates different kinds of unmanned aerial systems for specific missions. Seen here is a Heron TP Eitan from 210 Squadron from Tel Nof airbase.

Amit Agronov

Tel Aviv/Ben Gurion (LLBG)

RWY 03/21, 08/26, 12/30     POS 32°00'34"N 034°53'08"E     ELEV 134 ft

Bacha 27
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Israeli Aircraft Industry
IAI has its production line at Ben Gurion IAP, including updates to foreign Kfirs. Besides this, there is a IAI storage line including Kfirs, Skyhawks and MiG-21s. Also, there are still some B707s and C-130s stored.

The Baz division operates the F-15C/D Baz in two squadrons (106 and 133 Sqn) at Tel Nof AB. Seen here is F-15C Baz 802 from 133 'Knights of the Twin Tail' Sqn participating in Blue Flag at Ovda AB

Dino van Doorn (Ovda, Nov 2017)

From 2019, the F-35I Adir 824 is operational within MANAT, the IAF Test and Evaluation unit at Tel Nof AB. The F-35I is equipped with specific Israeli electronics which makes the F-35I a very mystic and unique.

IDF (X, Feb2024)

Tel Nof (LLEK)
Bacha 8

RWY 15L/33R, 15R/33L, 18/36     POS 31°50'22"N 034°49'18"E     ELEV 193

Bacha 8
Division Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Baz Division
106 Tayeset
106 טייסת
The Point of the Spear Squadron
Tayeset Khod Ha'Khaboth
F-15B Baz
F-15C Baz
F-15D Baz

133 Tayeset
133 טייסת
Knights of the Twin Tail Squadron
Tayeset Abiri Ha'Zanav Ha'Kafol
F-15A Baz
F-15B Baz
F-15D Baz
Yassur Division
114 Tayeset
The Night Leaders Squadron
Tayeset Mofiyli Ha'Laylah
no aircraft (all CH-53 2000 merged in 118 Tayeset)

CH-53K King Stallion (o/o in 2026)

118 Tayeset
118 טייסת
The Nocturnal Birds of Prey Squadron
Tayeset Dorsey Ha'Laylah
CH-53 2000 Yas'ur
CH-53 2025 Yas'ur

(Will be replaced by the CH-53K King Stallion in 2027/2028)
RPV Division
Tayeset Ha Baron Ha'Ahdom
טייסת הברון האדום
The Red Baron Squadron
The Red Baron Squadron
Tayeset Ha Baron Ha'Ahdom
Heron TP Eitan (leased by German Air Force)

210 Tayeset
210 טייסת
The White Eagle Squadron
Tayeset Ha'Nesher Ha'Layhan
Heron TP Eitan
Merkaz Nisu'ey Tisa (MANAT)
מרכז ניסויי טיסה
Flight Test Center
Flight Test Center
Merkaz Nisu'ey Tisa
F-16C-30-CF Barak
F-16D-40-CF Barak
F-16I Sufa
F-15I Ra'am
F-35I Adir

Behethes 669
יחידת החילוץ והפינוי הקרבי בהיטס 669
Airborne Rescue and Evacuation Unit
Yechidat Hilu'z Vehapinu'i Behethes 669
CH-53 2000 Yas'ur
114 Tayeset merged into 118 Tayeset July 6th, 2023 due to the arrival of the CH-53Ks for 114 Tayeset in 2026. 118 Tayeset will be named as 'Night Leaders' Squadron.
MANAT stands for Flight Test Center (FTC), formerly known as 601sq.
Unit 669 is also known as the Air Force Aeromedical Rescue and Evacuation Unit.

For assault missions the IAF operated two squadrons (114 and 118 Sqn) flying the CH-53 Yassur 2000 from Tel Nof AB. 114 Squadron merged in 118 Squadron for the delivery of the new CH-53K.

IDF Amit Agronov

The final years for the KC707 Re'em tankers of the 120 'Desert Giants' Sqn from Nevatim AB has been arrived. Eight KC-46 Pegasus tankers are on order.

Erik Sleutelberg (Nörvenich, Aug 2020)

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